Recipe Tweaker

Make changes to any number of recipes, export/copy the exchange string, and paste it into the startup setting to see them take effect. (Ctrl + \)

3 months ago
Manufacturing Cheats

g Technology editing?

1 year, 2 months ago

Would it be possible to allow assignment/reassignment of technology groups, too? I was originally looking for a mod of this, and this is the closest to an 'ingame editor' that I could find.

I have no modding knowledge, and I'm dealing with an awkward incompatibility between 2 mods where a certain recipe isn't showing up because it isn't assigned a technology, and the one mod at fault hasn't been updated in half a year by now nor does it appear that the modder has been active.

1 year, 2 months ago
(updated 1 year, 17 days ago)

Possible? Yes.
Am I going to do that right now? No.
A technology editor would most likely be a separate mod, however that's not the only way to solve your problem.

In the below command, replace "internal-recipe-name" with whatever the name of the missing recipe is (keep the quotes)
/c["internal-recipe-name"].enabled = true
If you don't know what the internal name of the recipe is, press F4 to open the debug settings and search for something like "debug-tooltips" and enable it, then hover over the recipe to see its name.

This will disable achievements if you care, however you're playing modded so they won't count for steam anyway.

1 year, 2 months ago

Oh, that's a lot simpler! Thank you!

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