Range Indicators

Show range of enemy worm turrets, current character/vehicle* guns (+toggleable) *Attempted vehicle support, may still be buggy

7 months ago
Combat Enemies

i Request for feature to show range without hovering target

7 months ago

Hey Honktown! c:
Love what the mod does. It does it brilliantly. I was hoping to find an option to keep the range indicator enabled for all entities on screen - without having to hover the mouse over them - but could not find this. Would it be possible for you to to implement this and would you be willing to?

7 months ago

This has been previously requested, so it may be worth revisiting. Strictly speaking "what is on the screen" is impossible to tell. Approximations can be made based on radius from the player, radius from the target, and maybe hold-time, so when a player mouses off something, the radius hangs around for a while. There's a potential for it to get laggy or looking weird, but I shouldn't complain before actually doing it.

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