Railway Motor Car

by S3bulon

Adds a railway motor car as an equipment to ride the railway without placing a locomotive manually.

a month ago
1.0 - 2.0

g Putting the equipment in Spidertrons grid

3 years ago

As of right now, that does pretty much nothing other than draw power. Have you considered making it either so this works for the spider or you cant put the equipment in its grid?

Very minor thing, completely fine if it remains unchanged. Just figured i'd point it out

3 years ago

As of version 0.2.0 it should not draw energy unnecessary, see https://mods.factorio.com/mod/railway-motor-car/discussion/5fece28d0406d0dd1664b288.

It is a good hint, but there is no easy way to disallow it for spidertrons. Each mod defines this "category" on its own, so there is a high chance for compatibility issues. Therefore I won't change it.
But thanky anyway.

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