Railway Motor Car

by S3bulon

Adds a railway motor car as an equipment to ride the railway without placing a locomotive manually.

a month ago
1.0 - 2.0

b Beautiful Bug (belt immunity)

4 years ago

First of all, brilliant mod. Great idea. Just delicious :D

I found a bug though.
Railway motor car have a belt immunity effect built-in.


3 years ago


The equipment is based on the belt immunity equipment because I needed a constant power drain (for balancing).
I can keep the effect as long as no one complains, otherwise I have to look up how to remove it ;)

3 years ago

So that's how it works.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Would it be reasonable to have the power consumption active only while in train mode? Simply having it equipped prevents equipping other things in the grid slot, so that seems like a good balancing point.

Edit: Looks like there's no easy way to disable equipment with the API without creating a disabled version as a separate prototype. Hmm.

3 years ago

Update: with 0.2.0 the underlying equipment was changed. Now there is only a power drain if it is actually in use. And it has no belt immunity anymore.

I used a battery, now it is counted to the total battery capacity. But other equpiments cannot draw power from it.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)


though is there any reason you didn't use legs or lasers?

3 years ago

The exoskeleton uses power while walking (cannot be set to 0) and enables the shortcut-button.
I could set it to 1W - but it would be strange to draw more power while driving than noted in the tooltip.

And a laser with a fire rate of 0 and 0 damage would also be strange.

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