Railway Motor Car

by S3bulon

Adds a railway motor car as an equipment to ride the railway without placing a locomotive manually.

a month ago
1.0 - 2.0

b Compatibility with Train Tunnels mod

3 years ago

This doesn't affect me, I just found it while testing mods. If you drive a Railway Motor Car through a Train Tunnel, the teleportation breaks the link between you and the motor car. You can exit it, and it stays on the track like a normal locomotive, only you can't mine it. If you're interested in adding compatibility, it will need code in one or both mods to make it work.

3 years ago

Thanks for the report. It was caused by the Train Tunnel-Mod because it destroys and creates the trains instead of teleporting them, thus breaking the link.
But I fixed it on my side, making my mod more robust (hopefully).

3 years ago

Thanks! Might I suggest a further compatibility feature, where if a player does enter a railway-motor-car-train that wasn't previously registered (perhaps it was teleported or placed with the editor), that it becomes registered to the player's equipment like normal?

2 years ago

Thanks for the suggestion, added the binding with version 0.2.2

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