Quality of Life research

Adds bonuses and optionally research for bigger bags (more inventory space), movement/walking/running speed, character hand crafting speed, long reach (optional far resource reach), and player mining speed. Use settings to choose which ones you want, either through research or by just choosing a value yourself.

a month ago
0.15 - 2.0

b [External] Bug with Improved Research Queue mod

2 years ago

Hey, thanks for the report. This was already previously reported, and I followed up with the developer of that mod, but they never responded:

It's a bug on their end, where they don't respect the hidden flag that this mod sets on those. I've again reported the issue, this time on GitHub: https://github.com/dbeckwith/factorio-research-queue/issues/4, along with a suggested fix.

Hopefully they'll be able to resolve it.

New response