Pyanodons Industry

Control the means of production with new logistic and storage structures. Works either as a standalone mod or alongside the rest of the pY modpack.

a month ago
Logistics Trains Logistic network Storage

b Update 2.0.4 deletes robots?

1 year, 3 months ago

From what I can tell, if you update to 2.0.4 or later, any robots in construction zone extenders will get deleted? This is pretty bad IMO.
" - removed robot storage from construction zone extender"
It would be great if the mod could get a quick fix to "save" those robots for people updating!
I solved this by temporarily downgrading, loading my save, getting all the robots in the air by giving them a bunch of stuff to do, then saving, and upgrading...
But some people might not even notice this change... At least not until it's to late.

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