Pyanodons Industry

Control the means of production with new logistic and storage structures. Works either as a standalone mod or alongside the rest of the pY modpack.

26 days ago
1.1 - 2.0
Logistics Trains Logistic network Storage

g storage tanks

4 years ago

i need help why all my big tanks lost cap. from 250k to 100k. the 4k tanks changed from 25k to 40k all have diffrent cap. yesterday the were all ok i saved with full tanks loaded today with half my res. lost (

4 years ago

theres a mod setting to adjust tank sizes. sounds like you had it on and then it got turned off

4 years ago

can you help to find it i dont know if i turned anythink off. i updated to 18.10 was thinking it would help lol

4 years ago

i hope its ok i added the numbers in mod so i have my res. back.tanks are back full like the were yesterday but i dont know what ells dont works the right way. is there a way to see what mod i need to repair.

4 years ago

you just go into mod settings and under py industries there is a single setting to adjust tank size between the normal size they are labeled as or a size based on how much space they take up.

4 years ago

Nice thanks for help

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