Pyanodons Industry

Control the means of production with new logistic and storage structures. Works either as a standalone mod or alongside the rest of the pY modpack.

17 hours ago
1.1 - 2.0
Logistics Trains Logistic network Storage
This mod 7 From other mods 117
Dependency types:
Default 84 Required 57 Conflict 5 Optional 33 Hidden 22
Sort by:
Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependant 884K
pyrawores >= 1.0.12 59.3K
pypetroleumhandling >= 1.2.0 58.9K
pyhightech >= 1.5.3 57.3K
py_mods_pack 15.2K
py-quick-start >= 1.0.14 5.00K
InserterCranes-for-pymods 3.92K
advanced_fluid_handling_for_py 3.58K
pyresearch >= 1.0.0 3.15K
pY-electric-pole-tweak-updated >= 1.5.2 2.16K
py-quick-start-upd-SirFell >= 1.0.14 1.45K
py-quick-start-byCZ80 >= 2.0.4 1.17K
immortal_sniper1_PY_pack1 1.15K
nach0_modpack_py 1.05K
immortal_sniper1_PY_pack3 902
PyAESoftcoreLogistics 861
immortal_sniper1_PY_pack4 827
miniloaders-cheaper-earlier 702
immortal_sniper1_PY_pack2 568
pylandblock >= 1.0.10 561
PyRawOres_Stacks >= 1.0.12 453
MomoPyTweak >= 1.3.7 450
py-early-trains >= 2.0.6 443
py-local-radar-vanilla-sound >= 2.0.8 441
MyModPackMuit = 1.5.2 422
pyae_islands_pack 420
lks_py >= 1.4.9 397
early-pyport >= 1.0 394
py-warehousing-resize >= 2.0.8 345
miniloaders-cheaper-earlier_fixed 336
AllMods 314
PyAdjustableValves >= 2.0.10 297
RobotWorldContinued_Fix_For_Py >= 2.0.8 253
py-early-trains-cheaper >= 2.0.6 155
py-another-early-train >= 3.0.1 106
sp55aa-modpack-py 79
MiniPynoports 63
mandydax-pyanodons-tweaks-bots >= 2.0.15 43
robot-world-continue-py-compability >= 3.0.1 43
MyPyQolTweaks 33
yam_modpack_mithrahn 28
pY-electric-pole-tweak >= 1.3.7 22
Swiftdrake 22
py-logistic-tweaks >= 1.3.7 12
pY-landfill-tweak >= 1.3.7 11
abugslife >= 1.2.0 11
py-car-tweak >= 1.3.7 11
pY-logistic-cargo-wagon >= 1.3.7 10
py-al-rail-tweak >= 1.3.7 10
IntoTheDeepEnd 9
space-exploration 482K
DyWorld-Dynamics-2 398
asj-modpack-space 136
sole-survivor 34
reverse-factory 62.6K
pypostprocessing 59.7K
zJatmnYiFixes >= 1.5.2 8.25K
pychinese 7.30K
Common-Industries 6.47K
Generic_Logistic_Chest >= 0.0.1 5.24K
Stacked_Mining 4.75K
Transport-Drones-On-Asphalt >= 1.5.4 3.43K
aotixpy 3.34K
Quantum_Warehousing >= 1.4.7 2.76K
pykoreanlocale 2.09K
SpaceModFeorasFork 2.08K
super-generous-recipes 1.85K
py-locale-ja-onsen 1.77K
DeadlockStackingForPy2 1.41K
nihilist_quickstart_bne 929
Quantum_Warehousing_1_1 >= 1.4.7 904
py_ht_pipes_reskin 662
bumble-bots 652
CrampedContainer >= 3.0.6 457
pyhightech-pipes-fast-replace 433
nihilist_quickstart 320
py-mpchanges 262
void_info 195
Ukrainian_language_pack_pyanodon >= 2.0.8 187
EternalIndustry 153
rd-warehousing-config 133
radar-tech >= 1.4.5 50
baguette_super_generous 41
functioning-mod >= 1.4.2 7
stackrecipes 5
Last dependency data update: 11 hours ago (for v3.0.8)