4 days ago
1.1 - 2.0
Manufacturing Power

b Multiblade turbine / WrongPower

2 years ago

Hey there!

Just realized that new turbine (available from the start) gives not 800 kW but 48MW instead.
Firstly thought that it caused by some other mods but no - full-pY-set-only has the same problem :(

2 years ago

Hey there!

Just realized that new turbine (available from the start) gives not 800 kW but 48MW instead.
Firstly thought that it caused by some other mods but no - full-pY-set-only has the same problem :(

Added: Oh, just tested - multiblade Mk03 gives 2GW what is way more than it should accordingly to tooltip .-.

2 years ago

It's only a visual bug. The production tab will display 48MW however it cannot actually generate that much

2 years ago

It's only a visual bug. The production tab will display 48MW however it cannot actually generate that much

Yeah, figured out somehow) Manual-calculations then XD