19 days ago
1.1 - 2.0
Manufacturing Power


Version: 3.1.19
Date: 2024-1-20
    - Allowed pyAE to function on either experimental or stable versions of factorio. But for actual real this time!
Version: 3.1.18
Date: 2024-1-20
    - Allowed pyAE to function on either experimental or stable versions of factorio. But for real this time!
Version: 3.1.17
Date: 2024-1-20
    - Allowed pyAE to function on either experimental or stable versions of factorio.
Version: 3.1.16
Date: 2024-1-20
    - Reverted 'Added a new required dependancy on "Pyanodons Modpack"'.
Version: 3.1.15
Date: 2024-1-20
    - Added a new required dependancy on "Pyanodons Modpack". This allows us to have a single list of min pYmod versions and ensure stability for any installation.
    - Changed min factorio version to 2.0.29.
    - Fixed aerial turbine battery values in codex.
    - Solar and antisolar panels no longer show "disabled by script" and instead shows a custom status explaining it needs sunlight/moonlight.
    - Added a new fluid "solar concentration" which is used internally by thermosolar mk04.
    - Solarthermal MK01 and MK02 no longer show "disabled by script" and instead shows a custom status explaining that it needs daylight.
    - Replaced deprecated .minable with .minable_flag
    - Removed all legacy low-res graphic files from pyanodon.
    - Fixed missing pressurized steam recipes from gas powerplant technologies. Resolves https://github.com/pyanodon/pybugreports/issues/808
    - Fixed wrong item subgroup for the antimony drill.
    - Fixed missing locale key for HAWT turbines MK01.
    - Removed hyphens from most item, fluid, entity, and recipe names in order to aid in itemsearch.
    - Removed "EXPERIMENTAL" from decay setting description.
    - [space-age] With decay enabled, buffed yotoi seeds recipe from 3 output -> 7 output. Additionally added 1 yotoi leaf byproduct.
Version: 3.1.14
Date: 2025-1-2
    - Fixed a crash when building an aerial turbine via construction bots. Resolves https://github.com/pyanodon/pybugreports/issues/756
    - [space-age] Fish egg now decays into biocrud instead of fishmeal. Resolves https://github.com/pyanodon/pybugreports/issues/763
    - Corrected the misspelling of Americium as Americum. Resolves https://github.com/pyanodon/pybugreports/issues/782
    - Fixed wind turbines being stuck in one orientation. Resolves https://github.com/pyanodon/pybugreports/issues/781, thanks Vraleth.
    - Exoskeleton recipe now requires mechanical parts 3 instead of mech parts 4. Resolves https://github.com/pyanodon/pybugreports/issues/799
    - Tidal power plants are now properly working again, including fast replace, upgrade planner, etc. Resolves https://github.com/pyanodon/pybugreports/issues/691
    - Uranium now spoils in 50 minutes instead of 5 minutes.
    - Gearbox MK04 now requires 300 special small parts instead of 500.
    - The coal powerplant now makes 30x the pollution.
Version: 3.1.13
Date: 2024-11-29
    - [space-age] Reduced jerky consmption in the workers food recipes.
    - Fixed missing English locale for LFR power plants. Resolves https://github.com/pyanodon/pybugreports/issues/740
    - Removed hyphens from various alloy and nuclear product names in order to aid in itemsearch qol.
    - Removed unused antimony sheet item from factoriopedia.
    - The electric boiler steam recipe is now selectable in factory planner.
    - Fixed "Industrial Water Recycling" was not researchable. Resolves https://github.com/pyanodon/pybugreports/issues/742
    - Fixed the passthrough pipes on the electric boiler not working on the steam output side.
Version: 3.1.12
Date: 2024-11-20
    - [space-age] Arqad nest MK 01 -> MK 04 no longer decays.
    - [space-age] Urea no longer decays into biocrud.
    - [space-age] Biocrud no longer decays into biomass.
    - [space-age] Reverted the nerf to blood -> urea.
Version: 3.1.11
Date: 2024-11-17
    - [space-age] bioartificial-guts, biomimetic-skin, laboratory-grown-brain, scafold-free-bones, tissue-engineered-fat no longer decay.
Version: 3.1.10
Date: 2024-11-15
    - Fixed antimony drill consuming 10x as much power as intended.
Version: 3.1.9
Date: 2024-11-15
    - Removed asphalt from the heat exchanger recipe.
    - Removed asphalt from the ball mill mk04 recipe.
    - Added light flicker effects to the antimony drill.
    - Removed east-west direction lock for the antimony drill.
    - Diluted the effects of green modules on the antimony drill by a factor of 9x.
Version: 3.1.8
Date: 2024-11-14
    - [space-age] Basic substrate no longer decays.
    - Increased the energy consumption of the gas furnace from 3MW to 6MW.
    - Changed internal name of py-satellite back to satellite.
    - Antimony drill now scales the health, mining area, module slots, and resource depletion % based on MK level.
    - Antimony drill no longer requires gas canisters can consume fuel directly.
    - Increased the fuel consumption of the antimony drill.
    - Added smoke sources and glow effects to the antimony drill.
    - Reduced pyanodon preset default richness modifier of antimony ore from 1000% to 300% in order to account for the new resource_drain_rate_percent modifier on higher tiers of antimony drill.
    - Buffed the tier 2 recipe for lightly n-doped silicon wafers from consuming 3 arsenic to 1 arsenic.
    - Removed unused acrylonitrile -> nylon recipe from the game files.
    - Buffed the nxsb-alloy -> aniline recipe by reducing required number of nxsb-alloy from 4 -> 1. Also reduced nitrobenzene requirement by 50%.
    - Migration notice: The old canister consuming antimony drills still exist on the map. These will be migrated automatically when mined and re-built.
Version: 3.1.7
Date: 2024-11-9
    - [space-age] Fixed that arqad nest mk04 would decay in 1 tick.
    - [space-age] Set the `result_is_always_fresh = true` flag for every recipe in the game.
    - [space-age] Increased spoilage timers for arqad nest mk01, mk02, mk03, and mk04 from 1m, 2m, 3m, 4m -> 10m, 20m, 30m, 40m.
    - [space-age] Added a new py2 recipe to convert biocrud into wastewater.
    - [space-age] Added a new logistics science recipe to convert biocrud into bio oil, tar, and syngas.
    - [space-age] Red hot coke now decays into coke.
    - [space-age] Increased the yield from biocrud processing and rich biocrud processing.
    - [space-age] Added 2 biocrud to the seaweed -> fertilizer recipe.
    - Carbon black now has a fuel value.
    - Sped up the jerky -> plankton recipe by a factor of three. Increased jerky input by a factor of three.
    - Added (MHD) to the localised name of the magnetohydrodynamic generator to ease in searching.
    - Greatly increased the recipe cost to craft an MHD generator.
    - Decreased the internal fluidbox size of the magnetohydrodynamic generator from 3000 -> 400.
Version: 3.1.6
Date: 2024-11-7
    - [space-age] Prevented several situations where spoiled results had a diffrent stack size than their parent.
    - Fixed that steam turbines were 2x as efficent compared to 1.1.
    - Fixed inconsistent naming scheme for the numal modules. Resolves https://github.com/pyanodon/pybugreports/issues/685
    - Updated Uk translation (by bootseller)
    - Fixed tree saplings MK2, MK3, MK4 spoiling into the incorrect tier of tree seed.
Version: 3.1.5
Date: 2024-11-7
    - Made most crafting machines flippable.
    - [space-age] In order to improve the user-experience with caravans: Brains now spoil in 16 hours instead of 2 hours.
    - [space-age] Hid certain spoilage-related items and recipes from factoriopedia if the setting is disabled.
Version: 3.1.4
Date: 2024-11-5
    - [space-age] Fixed broken check for decay feature flag.
    - [space-age] Fixed that incubated petri dishes spoiled in 1 tick.
    - Fix spelling issue in description of steam-turbine-mk03.
    - [space-age] Fix spelling issue in description of decay setting (PR from Ecoround)
    - Update RU translation (PR from Astorin)
Version: 3.1.3
Date: 2024-11-5
    - [space-age] Blood meal no longer spoils.
    - [space-age] Doubled the yield for biocrud reprocessing and rich biocrud reprocessing.
    - [space-age] Sped up the biomass reprocessing and rich biocrud reprocessing recipes from 10 seconds -> 2 seconds.
    - Added localised description for blood meal.
    - Fixed a crash when using the "stack inserters" mod by Xorimuth.
Version: 3.1.2
Date: 2024-11-5
    - [space-age] The "enable decay" mod setting is now default off instead of default on.
    - [space-age] Processed iron no longer decays.
    - [space-age] Metastable quasicrystal no longer decays.
    - [space-age] Fixed various innaccuracies in the changelog.
    - [space-age] Added 1 biomass to the floraspollinin reprocessing recipe.
    - [space-age] Added a new recipe to reprocess floraspollinin in the compressor.
    - [space-age] Sped up the floraspollinin reprocessing recipe from 10 seconds -> 2 seconds.
    - [space-age] Added a new recipe to process biopolymer into biocrud.
    - [space-age] Native flora and floraspollinin now decays in 200 minutes instead of 45 minutes.
    - The "void" fluid is now hidden from factoriopedia. (This fluid is used only by the thermosolar mk04 script to provide energy during the daytime)
    - Updated Russian locale (Shadow_man)
    - Greatly buffed the production science tier knallgas-bacteria -> petrolelum gas recipe. This recipe is now a knallgas producer instead of a consumer.
    - Added new localised name, localised desription, and recipe icon for knallgas-bacteria -> petrolelum gas recipe.
Version: 3.1.1
Date: 2024-11-4
    - [space-age] Aerogel and carbon aerogel no longer decay.
Version: 3.1.0
Date: 2024-11-4
    - Huge thanks to emanresu on discord for assistance in compiling this changelog!
    - IMPORTANT: In order to enable [space-age] features the following mod is required; https://mods.factorio.com/mod/enable-all-feature-flags
    - [space-age] Added experimental spoilage feature for 109 items. This entire changelog is toggleable in the mod settings (except for the last 4).
    - [space-age] We need your balance feedback on the spoilage feature! Is it fun? Is it annoying? Too pYainful?
    - [space-age] Significantly reduced the ingredient count for certain food recipes. Replace various meat inputs with spoiled jerky.
    - [space-age] Added biocrud and rich biocrud.
    - [space-age] Added biocarnations.
    - [space-age] Added floraspollinin.
    - [space-age] Native flora now has a fuel value.
    - [space-age] Renamed spoilage % to "decay %"
    - [space-age] Nerfed blood -> urea from requiring 100 blood to now requiring 250 blood.
    - [space-age] Biomass power plants now require a small amount of biocrud to operate.
    - [space-age] Added 3x rich biocrud to the perfect samples recipe.
    - [space-age] Uranium oxide seperation now returns less u238.
    - [space-age] Removed direct craft recipes for jerky. Replaced with spoilage recipes.
    - [space-age] Added a new early-game recipe to recycle excess biomass.
    - [space-age] Added empty barrels output to the metallic-core recipe.
    - [space-age] Animal samples spoil into plasmids
    - [space-age] Crushed and processed iron spoil into iron oxide
    - [space-age] Native flora spoils into floraspollinin
    - [space-age] Time crystals spoil into themselves every hour, and metastable quasicrystals spoil into time crystals
    - [space-age] Bio ore spoils into biocarnation, which can be reprocessed or spoiled into advanced substrate
    - [space-age] erbium spoils into erbium oxide, which spoils into impure erbium oxide
    - [space-age] Various nuclear isotopes spoil into other nuclear isotopes with semirealistic spoil times
    - [space-age] High energy waste spoils into ash
    - [space-age] Petri dishes with bacteria spoil into petri dishes in 15 seconds
    - [space-age] brains, meat and guts spoil into dried meat, which is now an ingredient in several types of worker food and cannot be made any other way
    - [space-age] Manure spoils into rich clay
    - [space-age] Fawogae substrate spoils into fawogae spores
    - [space-age] All perfect sample ingredients and snarer hearts spoil into rich biocrud, which can be reprocessed into giving small chances of high-tech AL products
    - [space-age] mova, cellulose, lignin, mukmoux fat, organics, agar, seed extract, pineal glands, gas bladders, photophores, animal eyes, arqad propolis, urea and yotoi leaves spoil into biocrud, which can be reprocessed into a variety of AL products
    - [space-age] Albumin and collagen spoil into urea
    - [space-age] Resilin spoils into myoglobin, which spoils into meat
    - [space-age] Blood meal spoils into fiberboard
    - [space-age] Charged auogs and dingrits spoil into their uncharged forms
    - [space-age] Arqad nests of all types spoil into their original animal (which is somehow still alive)
    - [space-age] Sea sponge sprouts, yotoi fruit, fish eggs, and tree seedlings of all tiers spoil down a tier, then at tier 1 spoil into quartz, yotoi seeds, fishmeal and tree seeds respectively.
    - [space-age] Organ printing stage 3 synthetic organs now spoil into rich biocrud.
    - [space-age] High energy waste 2 now spoils into high energy waste 1.
    - [space-age] Clean mova now spoils back into mova.
    - Allowed productivity in 38 of the recycling recipes added in 3.0.0.
    - Fixed missing catalyst amounts for the purex-antimony-void, limestone-void, sulfur-void-water, formaldehyde-from-refined-natural-gas, refined-natural-gas-to-condensates, hydrogen-chloride-void recipes.
    - Oil sands are now renewable. Added oil sands as a byproduct to the acetone-void-degrease recipe.
    - Renamed "meat, dried meat" to jerky.
Version: 3.0.14
Date: 2024-11-3
    - Ukrainian translation (by bootseller). Almost complete, but not completely complete yet
    - Added a new logistics science tier destructive distillation recipe for gravel. https://github.com/pyanodon/pybugreports/issues/661
    - Removed unused curium oxide item from the game files.
    - Updated "gasolene" to "gasoline"
Version: 3.0.12
Date: 2024-11-1
    - Fixed that the tailings seperation recipe was not unlockable in 2.0
Version: 3.0.11
Date: 2024-10-30
    - Fixed improved animal icon scaling
    - Added a new recycling recipe to reprocess excess antimony phosphate stage 2.
    - Fixed that oleochemicals had no reliable sinks at logistics science tier. You can now combine it with methanol additives to create bioplastic.
    - Additionally, there is a new recipe to use oleochemicals as a plasticizer in rubber production.
Version: 3.0.10
Date: 2024-10-29
    - passed the test and now overly qualityfied
Version: 3.0.9
Date: 2024-10-29
    - Fix certain pipe connections disconnecting with squeak through installed.
    - Fix gamba numal recipes not returning cages.
    - Unify improved animal icons.
    - Removed ash
Version: 3.0.8
Date: 2024-10-27
    - Fixed nuclear research technology was unlocking incorrect recipes.
    - Fixed mk4 wagons being too wide (https://github.com/pyanodon/pybugreports/issues/613).
Version: 3.0.7
Date: 2024-10-23
    - Changed code to reflect upstream internal name changes.
Version: 3.0.6
Date: 2024-10-23
    - Fixed replacing thermosolar III cover panels does not remove the shine effect. (https://github.com/pyanodon/pybugreports/issues/571)
    - The antisolar panel recipe is now outputs five solar panels instead of one.
    - Fixed that you cannot mine belts on ores. (https://github.com/pyanodon/pybugreports/issues/623)
Version: 3.0.5
Date: 2024-10-21
    - Fixed gas furance fluid boxes were inaccesible.
    - Updated the Russian localization (by Shadow_man).
Version: 3.0.4
Date: 2024-10-21
    - Fixed crash when paired with the editor extensions mod.
Version: 3.0.3
Date: 2024-10-21
    - Fixed crashes related to invalid aerial turbine migrations.
Version: 3.0.2
Date: 2024-10-21
    - Updated quality module recipes to match other modules when qaulity is active
Version: 3.0.1
Date: 2024-10-21
    - Fixed issues with missing items causing crashes with quality mod
Version: 3.0.0
Date: 2024-10-20
    - Fixed some recipes outputting more steam than input water when using productivity modules
    - Added a bajllion new optional recycling recipes. Useful for those who want to recycle more things. (Adapted from py hard mode!)
    - Significantly buffed the energy capacity of accumulators. Vanilla: 5MJ -> 150MJ, MK01: 100MJ -> 1.5GJ, MK02: 450MJ -> 15GJ, MK03: 1GJ -> 150GJ
    - Added belt stacking techs up to 8 layers of belt stacking.
    - Added a new 2x1 inserter with high hand size and the ability to stack items on belts.
    - All miners now output as stacked belts.
    - Lategame power armors now have the ability to fly.
    - Due to extreme unforeseen performance issues, locomotives no longer have equipment grids.
    - All crafting machines and rocket silos now have a circuit connection.
    - All cars, trains, and mecha-zungror are now remote drivable.
    - Removed 300% prod limit for recipes.
    - Corrected the spelling of "Dielectric" (https://github.com/pyanodon/pybugreports/issues/551)
    - Corrected the spelling of "Triphenylamine" (https://github.com/pyanodon/pybugreports/issues/605)
    - Corrected the spelling of "Trichloride" (https://github.com/pyanodon/pybugreports/issues/597)
Version: 1.2.44
Date: 2024-9-4
    - Closed the uf6 temperature gap in processing recipes
Version: 1.2.43
Date: 2024-8-26
    - moved mdh power output priority down from solar tier to normal
    - changed the fluid inputs on deuterium tritium fusion to have 2 water ports instead of deuterium
Version: 1.2.42
Date: 2024-8-26
    - Changed fusion reactor building recipes and fusion reaction recipes
    - reaction recipes no longer contain building parts
    - changed deuterium production process to make it longer and stronger
    - removed antimatter fusion recipe as it didnt fit to reworked fusion reactor recipes. will return in pysex
    - adjusted mdh generator consumption per tick from 50->400 and lowered max fluid temp to match the max output of the fusion reactors
    - adjusted used control rod tritium output from 100 -> 5
    - changed liquid helium recipe crafting time from 10s to 5s, changed helium input from 20 -> 100 and changed the output from 2 -> 10
    - added hydrogen sulfide, deuterium sulfide and enriched water fluids
    - moved time crystal recipe from fusion reactor to particle accelerator
Version: 1.2.41
Date: 2024-8-8
    - Nuclear fuel now correctly burns to spent nuclear fuel
    - Fix tiles being attributed to the wrong solar updraft tower
    - Fix that minging productivity infinite research didnt correctly increase in costs per level
Version: 1.2.40
Date: 2024-7-29
    - Fixed stutter on clicking electric poles
    - Added mining productivity 4-12 and shifted current mining prod techs to be earlier in the tech tree locked behind mining machines tech
Version: 1.2.39
Date: 2024-7-13
    - Fixed that 1.2.38 changelog was labeled as 1.2.37 as that version got microsofted
    - Fixed iron processing mk02 tech required a number of unneeded prereqs due to the hydrocyclone being in vanadium processing
    - Moved hydrocyclone to iron processing mk02
Version: 1.2.38
Date: 2024-7-7
    - Fixed a rare corruption in aerial data structures
    - added nuclear fuel to assembling machine 3, atomizer 3/4, sinter plant, and burner
Version: 1.2.36
Date: 2024-6-27
    - Due to an even higher number of bitch posts decreased centrifuge mk1-mk4 energy usage from 1GW,2GW,3GW,4GW to 250MW,500MW,1GW,2GW
    - removed coal water slurry from centrifuge
    - increased the input/output of albumin and used solvent seperation
    - fixed nuke fuel localization issue
Version: 1.2.35
Date: 2024-6-27
    - Fixed that aerial turbines had lower selection priority than ores, leading to situations where the turbines could not be removed. (https://github.com/pyanodon/pybugreports/issues/534)
    - Moved nuclear fuel from nuclear power mk04 to nuclear power mk02
    - Added nuclear fuel to locomotive mk01 and mk02
    - Due to a number of bitch posts increased centrifuge mk1-mk4 energy usage from 20MW,40MW,75MW,100MW to 1GW,2GW,3GW,4GW
    - removed aromatics from plants and unslimed iron recipes from centrifuge
    - adjusted energy required on remaining recipes in the centrifuges
Version: 1.2.34
Date: 2024-6-19
    - Fixed performance regression in last update (https://github.com/pyanodon/pybugreports/issues/531)
Version: 1.2.33
Date: 2024-6-18
    - Fixed that mining a locomotive would wipe its equipment grid. (https://github.com/pyanodon/pybugreports/issues/514)
    - Fixed numal reefs jumping on placment. (https://github.com/pyanodon/pybugreports/issues/170)
    - Fixed an exploit allowing numal reefs to be placed on land.
    - Fixed a crash dividing by 0 in the aerial GUI
    - Fixed that migrated aerial accumulators would start empty
    - Fixed that orphaned aerial accumulators wouldn't be deleted on migration
    - Fixed that overlapping but independent networks resulted in repeatedly creating new aerial accumulators
    - Fixed that aerial update event wasn't running
    - Fixed a crash from not validating item stacks
    - Fixed that numal recipe icons did not render in alt-mode (https://github.com/pyanodon/pybugreports/issues/519)
    - Increased aerial accumulator size to compensate for only transferring energy on completed trips
    - HAWT, VAWT, and fish turbine areas are no longer build-order dependent (https://github.com/pyanodon/pybugreports/issues/515)
Version: 1.2.32
Date: 2024-6-4
    - Fixed another crash while applying aerial turbine migrations.
Version: 1.2.31
Date: 2024-6-4
    - Fixed a crash.
Version: 1.2.30
Date: 2024-6-4
    - Fixed a crash while applying aerial turbine migrations.
Version: 1.2.29
Date: 2024-6-3
    - Resolved performance issues with most thermosolar/solar updraft setups.
    - Greatly improved performance for aerial turbines.
    - Added glow layers to geothermal vents.
    - Fixed output display on Thermosolar MK 04 being incorrect after turbine buffs.
    - Removed prototypes for unreachable pyro uranium pulp chain. (https://github.com/pyanodon/pybugreports/issues/497)
Version: 1.2.28
Date: 2024-5-1
    - Fixed that the new electric boiler was 2x faster at base than the old one.
Version: 1.2.27
Date: 2024-4-30
    - Fixed that RTG had an unknown key error (https://github.com/pyanodon/pybugreports/issues/477)
    - Buffed electric boilers from 0 module slots to 3. Allowed electric boilers to be effected by AM:FM beacons.
    - Electric boilers now have a glow layer in the dark.
    - Note: the above two changes are only effective if you break and rebuild the boiler.
Version: 1.2.26
Date: 2024-4-29
    - The microwave satellite now outputs 4 instead of 1 per craft. It is also affected by productivity modules.
    - The microwave satellite no longer has a fuel value.
    - Changed the internal name of the rtg to "py-rtg" in order to prevent conflicts with other mods.
    - Regenerated pyPP cache files.
Version: 1.2.25
Date: 2024-4-15
    - Buffed grod mk02+ recipes from 400 second recipe time down to 40 seconds. (https://github.com/pyanodon/pybugreports/issues/424)
    - Changed the power output priority of the mdh generator from primary to secondary. (https://github.com/pyanodon/pybugreports/issues/462)
    - Removed metastable quasicrystals from the antelope enclosure recipe
    - Added an uncrafting recipe from mox nuclear reactors back into standard reactors.
    - Fixed clipping in the solar panel MK01 and MK04 graphics. (https://github.com/pyanodon/pybugreports/issues/373)
    - Fixed recipe icons for molten thorium (https://github.com/pyanodon/pybugreports/issues/435)
Version: 1.2.24
Date: 2024-4-1
    - updated steam power codex pages
    - added nuclear power codex page
    - changed mox reactor to return mox reactor on pickup instead of normal reactor
Version: 1.2.23
Date: 2024-3-24
    - reduced nanocellulose from 100 to 50 pressurized steams
Version: 1.2.22
Date: 2024-3-24
    - fixed rare crash with wind energy (https://github.com/pyanodon/pybugreports/issues/440)
    - allowed productivity in numal food (https://github.com/pyanodon/pybugreports/issues/417)
    - Deacronymized item names for EVA and NdFeB. Should be easier to search.
    - fixed an issue with some resources not being able to be disabled on map setup screen
    - enabled modules for biomass, coal, gas, and oil power plants
    - reenabled mox cycle for molten salt nuclear reactors
    - added nuclear mox reactor mk01-mk04
    - added plutonium dioxide for mox reactor fuel
    - added mox reactor waste and recycling
    - adjusted recipe times and item amounts in particle accelerator recipes to reduce amount of required entities
    - adjusted pressurized steam numbers to reduce fluid volume and entity count of heat exchangers by 4. should output more or less the same amount of power
Version: 1.2.21
Date: 2024-3-13
    - fixed rare crash with wind energy (https://github.com/pyanodon/pybugreports/issues/440)
    - fixed that several doping recipes were missing productivity
Version: 1.2.20
Date: 2024-2-28
    - buffed # of pipe connections on mk3 turbine from 4->8 (https://github.com/pyanodon/pybugreports/issues/407)
    - buffed # of pipe connections on mk4 turbine from 4->16 (https://github.com/pyanodon/pybugreports/issues/407)
    - fixed a typo in Yellowcake isotope seperation -> separation
    - fixed Benzene-Cyanoacrlic Acid being labeled as a gas at default temp. changed to a liquid. (https://github.com/pyanodon/pybugreports/issues/390)
    - added project viking
    - removed fuelrods from all stainless and super steel recipes
    - removed pu 239 to uf6 recipe
    - updated tech tree cache
Version: 1.2.16
Date: 2024-1-29
    - fixed purex waste was creating a positive feed back loop. adjusted a number purex recipes to better balance the process
    - reduced purex waste 1 output in purex concentrate 2 (40-> 30)
    - reduced purex waste 1 output in purex concentrate 3 (40-> 20)
    - reduced purex waste 1 output in purex concentrate 4 (40-> 5)
    - reduced purex waste 1 output in purex concentrate 5 (40-> 10)
    - reduced purex waste 1 output in purex PU concentrate 1 (40-> 5)
    - increased purex waste 1 input in purex waste 2 (100 -> 200)
    - increased purex waste 1 input in purex waste 3 (50 -> 100)
    - increased purex waste 1 input in vitrified glass (200 -> 250)
    - reduced purex concentrate 5 output in vitrified glass (40 -> 15)
    - reduced purex U concentrate 1 output in vitrified glass (40 -> 20)
    - increased purex raffinate 1 output in purex PU concentrate 2 (20-> 30)
    - increased purex raffinate 1 output in purex U concentrate 2 (20-> 30)
    - increased purex U concentrate 2 input in purex U concentrate 3 (5 -> 50)
    - increased purex U concentrate 3 output in purex U concentrate 3 (5 -> 10)
    - reduced purex raffinate 1 output in purex U concentrate 3 (20 -> 10)
    - increased purex raffinate 1 input in purex raffinate 2 (100 -> 150)
    - increased purex raffinate 2 input in purex raffinate 3 (100 -> 150)
    - increased purex raffinate 3 input in Americium curium waste stream (75 -> 100)
    - increased Americium curium waste stream input in Americium oxide waste stream (60 -> 80)
    - increased Americium oxide waste stream input in Curium oxide waste stream (50 -> 60)
    - reduced Curium oxide waste stream output in Curium oxide waste stream (25 -> 20)
    - increased Curium oxide waste stream input in Curium-250 (50 -> 60)
    - increased crafting time in Uranium-233
    - increased Uranium-233 output in Uranium-233 (3 -> 5)
    - reduced Plutonium-239 output in Plutonium-239 (9 -> 8)
    - reduced Americium-241 output in Americium-241 (10 -> 5)
    - reduced Americium-243 output in Americium-241 (10 -> 5)
Version: 1.2.15
Date: 2024-1-24
    - fixed crash with py coal touched by an angel due to new uranium miners
Version: 1.2.14
Date: 2024-1-24
    - fixed that sinter unit and direct reduction plant were unlocked way earlier than needed
    - fixed smelter mk02 tech had unnecessary prereq on supersteel
    - fixed that the mk04 thermosolar GUI was displaying some incorrect values
    - fixed missing item description for vitrified glass
    - fixed a crash with the aerial turbine GUI
    - fixed that the new thermosolar mk03/mk04 wiki page from v1.2.11 was not showing up in-game (https://github.com/pyanodon/pybugreports/issues/384)
Version: 1.2.13
Date: 2024-1-23
    - fixed that purex waste vitrification required waste 1 instead of 3
    - fixed that u238 to pu239 recipe wasnt incorrectly named and overriding u237
Version: 1.2.12
Date: 2024-1-23
    - fixed that vitrification recipes couldnt be used in high pressure furnace
Version: 1.2.11
Date: 2024-1-23
    - fixed a crash with solar (https://github.com/pyanodon/pyalternativeenergy/issues/38)
    - fixed that the fluidboxes from the new gas furnace did not flow directly into standard pipes (https://github.com/pyanodon/pybugreports/issues/368)
    - gas furnace energy usage increased from 2MW -> 3MW
    - moved diamond nucleosynthesis from nucleosynthesis mk02 -> nucleosynthesis mk03. recipe time increased 30 -> 60
    - decreased helium3 requirement in mk4 aerial turbines by 10X. decrease intelligent unit amount by 5X
    - reduced space science pack stack size from 2000 to 200 in order to match other science packs
    - updated Russian locale (by Shadow_Man)
    - buffed steam turbine steam consumption speed from 60,120,180,240 -> 60,600,6000,60000. the MK04 can now output up to 598 GW. this change should save you tons of UPS in the late game and put the focus back on fuel production instead of fuel consumption (aka the interesting part). NOTE: if you are having trouble keeping up with the huge fluid thoroputs required, the biofluid network has much higher thoroput than normal pipes
    - greatly increased the recipe costs of MK02+ steam turbines in order to match the higher consumption speeds. should feel like a proper megastructure.
    - added a new wiki page for steam turbine mechanics
    - added a new wiki page for fusion energy
    - added a new wiki page for thermosolar mk03,mk04
    - reworked fusion energy to be highly power positive and implemented many pyAE concepts into the recipe chains
    - added a new endgame generator building: the magnetohydrodynamic generator. runs off pure neutrons and generates up to 1.5TW. unlocked at production science as part of the tritium fusion chain
    - fixed locale errors for entity names and entity descriptions
    - renamed the vanilla nuclear reactor to "Breeder reactor"
    - removed the mechanical parts MK04 requirement for crafting the antelope enclosure. replaced with mechanical parts MK03
    - buffed the coal+coarse fraction into tar recipe. coarse fraction reduced from 20->1. output increased from 50->70. recipe craft time 6s->1s
    - added new uranium mining drill.
    - replaced purified-quartz with prepared-quartz in the hydrofluoric-acid recipe
    - nerfed yellowcake. input of uranium pulp 3 from 100 -> 150, output from 15 -> 5
    - nerfed uranium pulp 1. input of powder uranium increased from 1 -> 10
    - nerfed uranium pulp 2. input of uranium pulp 1 increased from 100 -> 150
    - nerfed uranium pulp 3. input of uranium pulp 2 increased from 100 -> 150
    - fixed that nuclear-molten-thorium-reactor would duplicate molten salt due to an unbalanced loop (https://github.com/pyanodon/pyalternativeenergy/issues/31)
    - fixed that protactinum-233 had no uses until space science. uranium fuel cells mk3 moved from nuclear mk4 to nuclear mk3
    - polonium-210 recipe moved from nuclear mk03 -> nuclear mk04
    - u234 -> u235 recipe moved from nuclear mk04 -> nuclear mk03
    - increased crafting time of pa-233-seperation from 5s -> 50s in order to match other centrifudge recipes
    - fixed that used control rods had no uses. added a recycling recipe.
    - removed metallic glass output from purex-waste-vitrification. increased recipe time from 0.5s -> 20s
    - added purex raffinate vitrification
    - buffed u236-u237 conversion chances from 0.1% to 1%. neutron use nerfed from 20 -> 10
    - changed the recipe icon of purex-washing-4 to be purex concentrate 4
    - fixed that uranium-washing-2 would duplicate your purex by 10X. increased uranium oxide output by 10X to compensate. (https://github.com/pyanodon/pybugreports/issues/270)
    - slowed u234 -> po210 from 0.5s to 4s
    - Added MHD generator for fusion based energy production
Version: 1.2.10
Date: 2024-1-8
    - fixed some one-off errors where aerial traffic flow % was slightly off
    - added an error message in chat if an aerial turbine becomes invalid for whatever reason
    - fixed issue where breaking an aerial base did not return contained aerial turbines
    - changed the steel furnace energy source to fluid fuel. renamed to gas furnace
    - updated chinese translation (翻译:aotix,基于咸鱼拓展而来。)
    - reduced tritium and deuterium requirements for crafting personal fusion reactors
    - added fish mk3 to fish turbine mk3 recipe
    - fixed that neutron absorbtion was unlocked at nuclear mk3. moved down to nuclear mk1
    - added new signal outputs to the aerial turbine base showing the total energy stored and max energy capacity
    - rationale: currently the purex nuclear waste recycling process is extremely expensive and typically its more worthwhile to just void the antimony pulp 02.
    - reduced ammonium mixture requirements in the antimony-phosphate-2 recipe from 10 -> 3
    - purex U concentrate 3 now recovers 50% of the required tributyl phosphate
    - reduced oxalatic acid requirements in plutonium oxidation 2 from 20 -> 8
Version: 1.2.9
Date: 2023-11-23
    - fixed crash with factorissimo 2 and aerial turbines
    - optimized aerial turbine UPS even further
    - required factorio version 1.1.93 or greater
    - updated aerial turbine GUI to include a 2nd camera foucused on the destination pole
    - updated Russian translation
    - added greentext to aerial turbine gui showing the 20-trip efficency average for your turbine setup
    - added Δt of arrival to aerial turbine GUI
    - added previous tier of module to module recipes
Version: 1.2.8
Date: 2023-11-21
    - optimized aerial turbines on maps with an excessive # of entities (such as dangoreus)
    - fixed that aerial bases didn't work with small/medium power poles
Version: 1.2.7
Date: 2023-11-21
    - fixed that neutron absorber mk2,mk3,mk4 didn't consume boric acid
    - fixed that neutron absorber had an effective crafting speed of 0
    - removed module slots in neutron absorber
    - removing voiding recipe for neutrons in py sinkhole. use neutron absorber instead
    - neutron voiding recipe slowed down from 0.5s -> 50s
    - adjusted pipe connections for neutron absorber
    - expanded output fluid box for Geothermal Plant (https://github.com/pyanodon/pybugreports/issues/323) (credit: JStMorgan)
    - added decentralised PyPP cache file
    - added new recipe icons for uranium hexaflouride chain
    - fixed hot molten salt, nexelit slurry, combustion mixture, molten nexelit-zinc-gadolinium being labed as gases when they should have been labeled as fluids (https://github.com/pyanodon/pybugreports/issues/319)
    - reworked the aerial turbines from scratch. see py codex for more information
    - added mk numbers to tidal plants
    - improved the look of the microwave receiver GUI
    - removed unused power house entities from pyCP (https://github.com/pyanodon/pybugreports/issues/121)
    - removed beans
Version: 1.2.6
Date: 2023-9-3
    - added missing compressed hydrogen barrel (https://github.com/pyanodon/pybugreports/issues/315)
    - fixed that mirror mk3 had no uses. added to solarthermal mk03 recipes (https://github.com/pyanodon/pybugreports/issues/302)
    - removed recipe that gives all sciences
    - added circuit connectivity to Rare-Earth Mining Drills (credit: JStMorgan)
    - Rare-Earth Mining Drill Mk. I unlock pushed back to Rare-earth technology
    - adjusted the colors for sut tile
    - sut tile walk speed buffed from 140% -> 350%
Version: 1.2.5
Date: 2023-7-27
    - fixed fiber-dry-storage-2 was slower than expected (24s -> 6s) (boldviking)
Version: 1.2.4
Date: 2023-7-25
    - fixed that the thermosolar wiki page incorrectly said t2 sterling concentrator generated 600kW when the real output was 1.6MW. added additional information about the solar ratios
    - fixed that the unfinished MHD generator was researchable. disabled for now.
    - allow many entities to work with the upgrade planner
    - fixed that the YAG laser module could be duplicated with productivity in the fusion reactor.
    - fixed extreme high energy use of construction zone extender. 1mW,2mW,3mW,4mW -> 350kW,700kW,1mW,2mW
    - increased the fluid fuel value of hydrogen 20kW -> 100kW. added fuel value for compressed hydrogen 1.25mW
    - fix rendering issues with wind turbines
    - large UPS improvement to thermosolar stage 3
    - increase numbers on mova smart farm recipes to match actual output
    - fixed that nexelit & quantum batteries could not be used in armor until railways mk03/mk04
    - added wiki page for wind energy
Version: 1.2.3
Date: 2023-6-28
    - add electronic circuit 2 recipe to prod module allowed list
    - update chinese translation. credit sdqwo
Version: 1.2.2
Date: 2023-6-23
    - Fixed missing variance description for fish & HAWT turbines
    - Fixed a gui crash with microwave recivers, heliostats, and SUT
    - decreased centrifudge energy usuage and increased most centrifudge recipes crafting time. will need less power per machine but more machines. should see reduced energy needs in recipes up thru logistic science
    - removed steam to pressurized steam recipe
    - added circuit connections to geothermal and antimony drill
    - fixed crash with gui
    - added new electronic circuit 2 recipe using mk1 batteries
    - reduced electronic circuit 1 recipe output to 3 from 5
Version: 1.2.1
Date: 2023-4-16
    - reduced the cost of exoskeleton equipment
    - allowed exoskeleton equipment to use productivity modules
    - fixed that mk2,mk3,mk4 solid separator was using less energy than mk1
    - changed all vanilla module recipes
    - fixed that the vanilla steam turbine wasnt unlockable
Version: 1.2.0
Date: 2023-3-28
    - added wiki page for microwave receiver
    - microwave receiver max satellites buffed from 5->20
    - removed module slots from geothermal plants
    - thermosolar 3 buffed from 160kW/tile -> 320kW/tile
    - thermosolar 4 buffed from 14.9MW/heliostat -> 61.8MW/heliostat
    - changed gas plant mk1 to use natural gas
    - tweaked wind variation numbers
    - solar panel mk01 buffed 1MW TO 1.5MW
    - solar panel mk02 buffed 5MW TO 7MW
    - solar panel mk01 buffed 10MW TO 14MW
    - solar panel mk01 buffed 20MW TO 35MW
    - buffed diamond wire
Version: 1.1.8
Date: 2023-1-31
    - fixed crash with thermosolar
    - fixed multiblade turbines lying about their max power output
    - fixed that SUT tiles could be placed on water
    - nerfed t1 multiblade. 800kW->550kW. recipe ingredient count increased. footprint expanded. steel+fish added to recipe
    - multiblade turbines can now be walked/driven on
    - fixed render layer issues with multiblade turbines
    - added variance to wind. hawt->20% vawt->40% fish->70% multiblade->60%
    - performance penalty from large turbine counts largely mitigated
    - aerial turbines now have a penalty if their travel distance is too short
    - aerial turbines output buffed
    - removed limit on aerial base discharging speed
    - added Lumogen F to quasicrystal and micro-cavity-core recipes
    - added silver-nitrate to aluminium grid recipe
    - added allylamine, rhodamine-b, basolite c300 to photon-deposited-quartz recipe (removed perylene)
Version: 1.1.7
Date: 2023-1-5
    - buffed multiblade turbine generation from 400kW to 800kW
    - multiblade turbine is now available from the start of the game.
    - buffed multiblade turbine mk2 generation from 15MW to 34MW
    - fixed animations for multiblade turbines mk1 and mk2
    - fixed crashes when placing turbines/tidal plants on a diffrent surface
    - fixed geothermal plant pipe output being in the same tile as the pipe input
    - increase usefulness of rtg
    - all steam turbines are moved to secondary-output
    - HAWT, VAWT, and Tidal Plants no longer have huge internal energy buffers
    - tidal plants now support smart cursor (Q)
    - Added max energy generation text to hawt,vwat,solar mk2 mk3,antisolar,multiblade
    - Added more uses for thermosolar intermediates
    - moved simik boiler steam recipes from domestication techs to simik techs
Version: 1.1.6
Date: 2022-12-19
    - readded aerials
    - fixed the microwave transmitter
    - thermosolar mk1-4 rework
    - fixed animations for mk02 solar, mk03 solar, antisolar.
    - adjusted crafting speed and energy usage on centrifuge mk01-mk04.
    - adjusted molten salt output on coal, gas, and oil power plants.
    - Increased energy usage:
    - advanced-foundry-mk02 to 5.4MW.
    - advanced-foundry-mk03 to 8MW.
    - advanced-foundry-mk04 to 10MW.
    - automated-factory-mk02 to 6MW.
    - automated-factory-mk03 to 8MW.
    - automated-factory-mk04 to 10MW.
    - ball-mill-mk02 to 2.4MW.
    - ball-mill-mk03 to 3MW.
    - ball-mill-mk04 to 4MW.
    - borax-mine-mk02 to 2.55MW.
    - borax-mine-mk03 to 3MW.
    - borax-mine-mk04 to 4MW.
    - botanical-nursery-mk02 to 2.4MW.
    - botanical-nursery-mk03 to 3MW.
    - botanical-nursery-mk04 to 4MW.
    - carbon-filter-mk02 to 2.4MW.
    - carbon-filter-mk03 to 3MW.
    - carbon-filter-mk04 to 4MW.
    - chemical-plant-mk02 to 4MW.
    - chemical-plant-mk03 to 5MW.
    - chemical-plant-mk04 to 6MW.
    - classifier-mk02 to 2.4MW.
    - classifier-mk03 to 3MW.
    - classifier-mk04 to 4MW.
    - desulfurizator-unit-mk02 to 2.4MW.
    - desulfurizator-unit-mk03 to 3MW.
    - desulfurizator-unit-mk04 to 4MW.
    - distilator-mk02 to 2MW.
    - distilator-mk03 to 3MW.
    - distilator-mk04 to 4MW.
    - evaporator-mk02 to 3MW.
    - evaporator-mk03 to 4MW.
    - evaporator-mk04 to 5MW.
    - fawogae-plantation-mk02 to 2MW.
    - fawogae-plantation-mk03 to 3MW.
    - fawogae-plantation-mk04 to 4MW.
    - fluid-separator-mk02 to 2MW.
    - fluid-separator-mk03 to 3MW.
    - fluid-separator-mk04 to 4MW.
    - fts-reactor-mk02 to 4MW.
    - fts-reactor-mk03 to 5MW.
    - fts-reactor-mk04 to 6MW.
    - gasifier-mk02 to 2MW.
    - gasifier-mk03 to 3MW.
    - gasifier-mk04 to 4MW.
    - ground-borer-mk02 to 2MW.
    - ground-borer-mk03 to 3MW.
    - ground-borer-mk04 to 4MW.
    - jaw-crusher-mk02 to 2MW.
    - jaw-crusher-mk03 to 3MW.
    - jaw-crusher-mk04 to 4MW.
    - methanol-reactor-mk02 to 2MW.
    - methanol-reactor-mk03 to 3MW.
    - methanol-reactor-mk04 to 4MW.
    - olefin-plant-mk02 to 2MW.
    - olefin-plant-mk03 to 3MW.
    - olefin-plant-mk04 to 4MW.
    - quenching-tower-mk02 to 2MW.
    - quenching-tower-mk03 to 3MW.
    - quenching-tower-mk04 to 4MW.
    - ralesia-plantation-mk02 to 2MW.
    - ralesia-plantation-mk03 to 3MW.
    - ralesia-plantation-mk04 to 4MW.
    - rectisol-mk02 to 2MW.
    - rectisol-mk03 to 3MW.
    - rectisol-mk04 to 4MW.
    - sand-extractor-mk02 to 2MW.
    - sand-extractor-mk03 to 3MW.
    - sand-extractor-mk04 to 4MW.
    - soil-extractor-mk02 to 2MW.
    - soil-extractor-mk03 to 3MW.
    - soil-extractor-mk04 to 4MW.
    - tar-processing-unit-mk02 to 2MW.
    - tar-processing-unit-mk03 to 3MW.
    - tar-processing-unit-mk04 to 4MW.
    - washer-mk02 to 2MW.
    - washer-mk03 to 3MW.
    - washer-mk04 to 4MW.
    - wpu-mk02 to 2MW.
    - wpu-mk03 to 3MW.
    - wpu-mk04 to 4MW.
    - agitator-mk01 to 1MW.
    - agitator-mk02 to 2MW.
    - agitator-mk03 to 3MW.
    - agitator-mk04 to 4MW.
    - automated-screener-mk02 to 1MW.
    - automated-screener-mk03 to 2MW.
    - automated-screener-mk04 to 3MW.
    - compressor-mk02 to 1MW.
    - compressor-mk03 to 2MW.
    - compressor-mk04 to 3MW.
    - gas-separator-mk02 to 1MW.
    - gas-separator-mk03 to 2MW.
    - gas-separator-mk04 to 3MW.
    - genlab-mk02 to 1MW.
    - genlab-mk03 to 2MW.
    - genlab-mk04 to 3MW.
    - grease-table-mk01 to 1MW.
    - grease-table-mk02 to 2MW.
    - grease-table-mk03 to 3MW.
    - grease-table-mk04 to 4MW.
    - hydrocyclone-mk01 to 1MW.
    - hydrocyclone-mk02 to 2MW.
    - hydrocyclone-mk03 to 3MW.
    - hydrocyclone-mk04 to 4MW.
    - jig-mk01 to 1MW.
    - jig-mk02 to 2MW.
    - jig-mk03 to 3MW.
    - jig-mk04 to 4MW.
    - kmauts-enclosure-mk01 to 1MW.
    - kmauts-enclosure-mk02 to 2MW.
    - kmauts-enclosure-mk03 to 3MW.
    - kmauts-enclosure-mk04 to 4MW.
    - mixer-mk01 to 1MW.
    - mixer-mk02 to 2MW.
    - mixer-mk03 to 3MW.
    - mixer-mk04 to 4MW.
    - nmf-mk01 to 1MW.
    - nmf-mk02 to 2MW.
    - nmf-mk03 to 3MW.
    - nmf-mk04 to 4MW.
    - plankton-farm-mk02 to 1MW.
    - plankton-farm-mk03 to 2MW.
    - plankton-farm-mk04 to 3MW.
    - secondary-crusher-mk02 to 1MW.
    - secondary-crusher-mk03 to 2MW.
    - secondary-crusher-mk04 to 3MW.
    - thickener-mk02 to 1MW.
    - thickener-mk03 to 2MW.
    - thickener-mk04 to 3MW.
    - xyhiphoe-pool-mk01 to 1MW.
    - xyhiphoe-pool-mk02 to 2MW.
    - xyhiphoe-pool-mk03 to 3MW.
    - xyhiphoe-pool-mk04 to 4MW.
    - chipshooter-mk02 to 1MW.
    - chipshooter-mk03 to 2MW.
    - chipshooter-mk04 to 3MW.
    - clay-pit-mk02 to 1MW.
    - clay-pit-mk03 to 2MW.
    - clay-pit-mk04 to 3MW.
    - electronics-factory-mk02 to 1MW.
    - electronics-factory-mk03 to 2MW.
    - electronics-factory-mk04 to 3MW.
    - fbreactor-mk02 to 1MW.
    - fbreactor-mk03 to 2MW.
    - fbreactor-mk04 to 3MW.
    - moondrop-greenhouse-mk02 to 1MW.
    - moondrop-greenhouse-mk03 to 2MW.
    - moondrop-greenhouse-mk04 to 3MW.
    - nano-assembler-mk02 to 1MW.
    - nano-assembler-mk03 to 2MW.
    - pcb-factory-mk02 to 1MW.
    - pcb-factory-mk03 to 2MW.
    - pcb-factory-mk04 to 3MW.
    - pulp-mill-mk02 to 1MW.
    - pulp-mill-mk03 to 2MW.
    - pulp-mill-mk04 to 3MW.
    - coalbed-mk02 to 2MW.
    - coalbed-mk03 to 3MW.
    - coalbed-mk04 to 4MW.
    - cracker-mk02 to 2MW.
    - cracker-mk03 to 3MW.
    - cracker-mk04 to 4MW.
    - gas-refinery-mk02 to 2MW.
    - gas-refinery-mk03 to 3MW.
    - gas-refinery-mk04 to 4MW.
    - guar-gum-plantation-mk02 to 1MW.
    - guar-gum-plantation-mk03 to 2MW.
    - guar-gum-plantation-mk04 to 3MW.
    - heavy-oil-refinery-mk01 to 1MW.
    - heavy-oil-refinery-mk02 to 2MW.
    - heavy-oil-refinery-mk03 to 3MW.
    - heavy-oil-refinery-mk04 to 4MW.
    - lor-mk02 to 2MW.
    - lor-mk03 to 3MW.
    - lor-mk04 to 4MW.
    - oil-sand-extractor-mk02 to 1MW.
    - oil-sand-extractor-mk03 to 2MW.
    - oil-sand-extractor-mk04 to 3MW.
    - tholin-atm-mk02 to 2MW.
    - tholin-atm-mk03 to 3MW.
    - tholin-atm-mk04 to 4MW.
    - tholin-plant-mk02 to 2MW.
    - tholin-plant-mk03 to 3MW.
    - tholin-plant-mk04 to 4MW.
    - upgrader-mk02 to 2MW.
    - upgrader-mk03 to 3MW.
    - upgrader-mk04 to 4MW.
    - casting-unit-mk01 to 0.5MW.
    - casting-unit-mk02 to 1MW.
    - casting-unit-mk03 to 2MW.
    - casting-unit-mk04 to 3MW.
    - hydroclassifier-mk02 to 1MW.
    - hydroclassifier-mk03 to 1MW.
    - hydroclassifier-mk04 to 2MW.
    - impact-crusher-mk01 to 0.5MW.
    - impact-crusher-mk02 to 1MW.
    - impact-crusher-mk03 to 2MW.
    - impact-crusher-mk04 to 3MW.
    - leaching-station-mk01 to 0.5MW.
    - leaching-station-mk02 to 1MW.
    - leaching-station-mk03 to 2MW.
    - leaching-station-mk04 to 3MW.
    - scrubber-mk01 to 1MW.
    - scrubber-mk02 to 2MW.
    - scrubber-mk03 to 3MW.
    - scrubber-mk04 to 4MW.
    - wet-scrubber-mk01 to 1MW.
    - wet-scrubber-mk02 to 2MW.
    - wet-scrubber-mk03 to 3MW.
    - wet-scrubber-mk04 to 4MW.
Version: 1.1.5
Date: 2022-11-29
    - added small parts to shaft mk01 and adjusted other items in recipe.
    - removed iron nexelit antimony alloy from gearbox mk01.
    - replaced small parts with shaft mk01 in gearbox mk01.
    - moved shaft mk01, gearbox mk01, and brakes mk01 to automation 2 tech.
    - removed small parts, steam engine from automated factory mk01.
    - added gearbox mk01 and shaft mk01 to automated factory mk01 recipe.
Version: 1.1.4
Date: 2022-11-28
    - buff antisolar.
    - tweaks for pew pew powder.
    - major buff to all renewables.
    - added yaw drive to wind turbines.
    - added new techs for electric poles/substations and adjusted the recipes.
Version: 1.1.3
Date: 2022-11-03
    - fixed that neutron moderator mk2-mk-4 didnt require fuel.
    - added steam depressuriziation recipes.
    - added russsian translation.
    - removed interrmetallics from reformer mk01.
    - added mechanical inserters as parts to retorter recipe.
    - fixed that hydrofluoric acid and fluorine gas shared the same icon.
Version: 1.1.2
Date: 2022-10-20
    - moved numal breeding to reproductive complex.
    - adjustments to geo thermal spawning.
    - changed oil power plant from tar to kerosene.
Version: 1.0.0
    - Preparing for pyAE