Howdy. Production Analyst is corrupting save files, and it is reproducible. The Factorio error dialog reads:
Failed to load saved data for following mods:
Save file is probably corrupted.
Here's what I know:
1) Sometime in the past I monitored steel. It was the only thing I monitored and its history still remains.
2) I added two items to queue in this order--uranium fuel cell and uranium-235.
3) I pressed the PLAY button and each were monitored in turn for the default time of 20s.
4) Both items completed and were moved to history, with neither item having production stats over the interval, and that is what I believe is the cause of the save corruption. Zero production was expected as my nuclear plants were idle.
5) Save the game (corruption happens).
6) Fail to load the game.
I confirmed that I can get this to happen with other items not under production. For instance, I picked an item I don't have the tech for yet and monitored it. It corrupted the save. I also re-confirmed that analyzing an item with production stats did not corrupt the file.