Mining a chest allows players to pick it up with all the items inside and carry it in their inventory. Also supports vehicles, tanks, and accumulators.
please exclude system files while packing your mods. This mod includes two thumbs.db in two locations. Just use search with "show hidden files and folders", type "type:db" and delete them before packing.
Also on modded items, instead of an item's name, internal LUA name is shown.
Using Merging Chests ( ) as far as I know, entities are dynamically created. I also had to put a dependency to make Merging Chests load before your mod. You should make your mod with data-final-updates, because most of the time it must load the last to be able to get the information of other items loaded.
It also packs Flow Control's ( ) custom pipes, haven't tested the valves yet, which is undesired behavior.
Edit: Tested valves, also packs them.