No Pipe Touching 2.0

This mod alters existing pipes. You will need another mod to add new pipes. Allows you to place pipes of different materials next to each other without them connecting. Designed as a less fancy alternative to advanced fluid handling, without the recipe complexity of flow control.

15 days ago
1.1 - 2.0
Logistics Fluids

g [solved maybe] MESSAGE ERREUR

5 months ago

Le mod No Pipe Touching (0.1.14) a engendré une erreur non récupérable.
Merci d'informer l'auteur de cette erreur.

Error while running event no-pipe-touching::on_robot_built_entity (ID 14)
no-pipe-touching/control.lua:246: bad argument #1 of 2 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil)
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'pairs'
no-pipe-touching/control.lua:246: in function <no-pipe-touching/control.lua:235>


5 months ago

Upgrade? Downgrade? Construct? Deconstruct? Image?

5 months ago

Erreur lors de la construction
Je suis reparti avec la version 0.1.0
affichage erreur : Factory-Fluid-dummy-connector-4-npt [00] pipe
Pas de message erreur à partir de V° 0.1.10 - 0.1.11 mais toujours impossible d'avoir 2 tuyaux côte à côte
J'ai vérifié incompatibilité avec autres mods (Flow et Picker... mais pas de conflit.
je ferais plus tard un nouveau jeu Merci d'avoir répondu.

5 months ago

Can you put your mod list? I think an incompatibility is occurring

5 months ago

Liste des mods

- "base",
- "7seg",
- "aai-containers",
- "aai-industry",
- "aai-signals",
- "aai-vehicles-hauler",
- "aai-vehicles-warden",
- "aai-zones",
- "adaptive_movement_speed",
- "AdvancedBelts",
- "AdvancedSubstation",
- "AfraidOfTheDark",
- "air-filtering",
- "ammo-loader",
- "AmmoGroup",
- "arachnophobia",
- "ArtilleryShellStack",
- "AsphaltPaving",
- "ATCTower",
- "attach-notes",
- "auto-barrel",
- "Auto-destruct-trees-on-resources",
- "autobuild",
- "AutoCircuit",
- "AutoDeconstruct",
- "auto_manual_mode",
- "ballistic_missile",
- "belt-visualizer",
- "beltSorter",
- "Belt_Immunity",
- "Better-Power-Armor-Grid",
- "Better-Repair-Packs",
- "BetterRoboport",
- "BigBags",
- "BigStorageTank",
- "bigtruck",
- "Big_Brother",
- "blueprint-align",
- "Blueprint-Editor",
- "BlueprintLab_design",
- "BlueprintTools",
- "blueprint_flip_and_turn",
- "bobinserters",
- "boblibrary",
- "Bottleneck",
- "calculator-ui",
- "chemical-rocket",
- "ChokePoint",
- "ChunkyChunks",
- "CircuitHUD-V2",
- "CliffMaker",
- "ClosestFirstOneDotOne",
- "cncs_Sulfur_Mod",
- "color-coding",
- "ColorCodedPlanners",
- "colored_blueprints",
- "CompressedFluids",
- "Concrete_Lamppost_v11",
- "ConstructionPlanner",
- "Customized_Cliff_Explosives",
- "D-Load-Storage",
- "deadlock-beltboxes-loaders",
- "DeadlockBlackRubberBelts",
- "Dectorio",
- "DiscoScience",
- "DisplayPlates",
- "DoubleFurnace",
- "DragonIndustries",
- "EasyMediumPole",
- "Electric_Transformators",
- "emoji-signals",
- "even-distribution",
- "EvoGUI",
- "Exploration_Vehicle",
- "extra-storage-tank",
- "extra-storage-tank-minibuffer",
- "factoripedia",
- "Factorissimo2",
- "factoryplanner",
- "FactorySearch",
- "far-reach",
- "FasterRoboportCharging",
- "Fill4Me",
- "Flare Stack",
- "flib",
- "Flow Control",
- "flow-control-folk",
- "Fluid-level-indicator",
- "FlyingRoboport",
- "FNEI",
- "freenetworkwiring",
- "GCKI",
- "GDIW",
- "genshin-impact-music",
- "great_start",
- "GreenTec",
- "GUI_Unifyer",
- "GUI_Unifyer_forked",
- "HandyHands",
- "Hovercrafts",
- "IncendiaryMunitions",
- "InfiniteInventory",
- "InfiniteLaboratorySpeedUpdated",
- "Infinizoom",
- "informatron",
- "IntermodalContainers",
- "Inventory Sensor",
- "inventory-repair",
- "inventory-templates",
- "jetpack",
- "keep-inventory",
- "KS_Power",
- "Kux-CoreLib",
- "LabDansen_Updated",
- "large-storage-tank",
- "laserlines",
- "leighzerlib",
- "leighzerscienceores",
- "leighzerverylonghandedinserter",
- "LogisticTrainNetwork",
- "long-reach-clone",
- "LSlib",
- "LtnManager",
- "LTN_Combinator_Modernized"
- "MapRevealTool",
- "MaxRateCalculator",
- "Milestones",
- "miniloader",
- "MoreStorageTanksFixed",
- "Nanobots",
- "No-Collision-Small-Pole",
- "no-pipe-touching",
- "noangledcables",
- "NoFish",
- "oil-hauler",
- "PatchFR",
- "PavementDriveAssistContinued",
- "PickerAtheneum",
- "PickerBeltTools",
- "PickerBlueprinter",
- "PickerDollies",
- "PickerInventoryTools",
- "PickerPipeTools",
- "Picks-Inserter",
- "PipeMeterWLK",
- "Placeables",
- "primitive-treefarm",
- "quick-chest-limit",
- "QuickbarTemplates",
- "RadarNightVision",
- "railway-motor-car",
- "RampantEvolution",
- "RateCalculator",
- "research-counter",
- "reverse-factory",
- "rewire-tool",
- "road-sign-signals",
- "Roboport_and_Radar_MK2",
- "Robot256Lib",
- "robotworld-continued",
- "robot_attrition",
- "rocket_target",
- "rubberize",
- "rusty-locale-xeraph",
- "SchallAmmoTurrets",
- "SchallArtillery",
- "SchallBeltConfiguration",
- "SchallChunkAlignment",
- "SchallCircuitGroup",
- "SchallCombatRobotics",
- "SchallEndgameEvolution",
- "SchallEntityInspector",
- "SchallGunPod",
- "SchallLandMine",
- "SchallLanguagePack",
- "SchallMachineScaling",
- "SchallMinorTweaks",
- "SchallModulePlacement",
- "SchallOilFuel",
- "SchallOverseasRailway",
- "SchallRadarAlignment",
- "SchallRadioactiveWaste",
- "SchallRecipeScaling",
- "SchallTankPlatoon",
- "SchallTankWoodcutting",
- "SchallTransportGroup",
- "SchallUraniumProcessing",
- "SchallVirtualSignal",
- "Searchlight",
- "selector-combinator",
- "show-max-underground-distance",
- "Shuttle_Train_Continued",
- "signalstrings",
- "simple-air-cleaner",
- "simply-power-armor-mk3",
- "SmallInlineStorageTank",
- "snouz-useful-icons",
- "sonaxaton-research-queue",
- "speaker-signals-2",
- "splatter_guard",
- "squeak-through-2",
- "stacked",
- "stdlib",
- "steinios_research_sensor",
- "steinios_unlasting_oil",
- "StoneWaterWell",
- "storage-tanks-modpack",
- "StorageTank2",
- "SunBarSwap",
- "SunResources",
- "Switch_Button-1_0",
- "TanksSchallGroupsfixes",
- "Teleporters",
- "textplates",
- "TheFatController",
- "thermal-solar-power",
- "ThickerLines",
- "TimeButtons",
- "TimeTools",
- "Todo-List",
- "train-signal-visualizer",
- "train-stations-names-signals",
- "TrainDriver_A16_fix",
- "TrainScheduleSignals",
- "Transport-Drones-On-Asphalt",
- "Transport_Drones",
- "TreefarmLite",
- "UltimateBelts",
- "underground-pipe-pack",
- "underground-storage-tank",
- "UndergroundsPlus",
- "UnstoppableForce11",
- "upgrade-planner-next",
- "VehicleSnap",
- "VehicleWagon2",
- "visual-signals",
- "VoidChestPlus",
- "vtk-cannon-turret",
- "Warehousing",
- "WarehousingRoof",
- "water-consumes-pollution",
- "water-removes-more-pollution",
- "Waterfill_v17",
- "WaterWell",
- "Water_Ores",
- "WideChests",
- "WideChestsLogistic",
- "WideChestsOverrideInventorySettings",
- "WireShortcuts",
- "YARM",
- "zoom-out",

5 months ago

je voulais envoyer un fichier jeu mais je ne sais pas comment faire...

5 months ago

Create a new game and send it using google drive or dropbox

5 months ago

via Google drive

5 months ago

I need an internet link

5 months ago
(updated 5 months ago)

I need you to share it to anyone with the link and post the share link here

5 months ago

Fichier : Factorio

This thread has been locked.