MinimalWire - Clean Power Networks

MinimalWire is a quality of life mod that eliminates spaghetti and keeps your factory wires clean by enforcing efficient connections, using Kruskal's algorithm to produce a minimum spanning tree each time a power pole is added to the network. Check out my other mod for a much more relaxed approach to this idea: OneWire

a day ago
Circuit network Power

b Legendary substations' wires don't connect

a day ago

For whatever reason, when you place legendary substations they don't connect to each other, unless they're really close.

a day ago

Hey, does it say "MinimalWire: Warning: Could not determine max wire distance for pole, using default." in chat?

a day ago

Oh actually it could be because the other substation isn't within the search radius (default 32, can change in settings). Try debug mode or increasing the radius (again in settings), I don't have much experience with the quality mechanic, but that seems plausible.

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