Loaders Modernized

Compact 1x1 loaders that use electricity. They are able to use separate filters on each belt lane, and can stack items on belts if stack inserters are available.

a day ago
Logistics Circuit network

g some error wher copy blueprint

4 months ago

模组「Loaders Modernized (0.7.3)」引发了无法恢复的错误。

Error while running event loaders-modernized::on_built_entity (ID 6)
Entity is not loader.
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'index'
/scripts/loaders-modernized.lua:23: in function 'snap_to_belt'
loaders-modernized/scripts/loaders-modernized.lua:107: in function 'snap'
loaders-modernized/scripts/loaders-modernized.lua:128: in function 'handler'
core/lualib/event_handler.lua:47: in function <core/lualib/event_handler.lua:45>

4 months ago

I think this is a duplicate of this. Unfortunately I haven't been able to reproduce this. Do you have a detailed set of step I can use to reproduce this crash? Is there a specific game save you are using? Are these blueprints that you migrated from Miniloader and 1.1 forward?

New response