Loaders Modernized

Compact 1x1 loaders that use electricity. They are able to use separate filters on each belt lane, and can stack items on belts if stack inserters are available.

17 days ago
Logistics Circuit network

g Crash on ghost build (0.7.1)

4 months ago

Error while running event loaders-modernized::on_built_entity (ID 6)
Entity is not loader.
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'index'
/scripts/loaders-modernized.lua:22: in function 'snap_to_belt'
loaders-modernized/scripts/loaders-modernized.lua:104: in function 'snap'
loaders-modernized/scripts/loaders-modernized.lua:124: in function 'handler'
core/lualib/event_handler.lua:47: in function <core/lualib/event_handler.lua:45>

4 months ago

Can you provide detailed steps of how you reproduce this? Which entities are ghosts? Are robots involved? What type of entity is next to the load that you are building? A video or a save game with detailed steps will help figure out how this crash may be happening. Does your game have any other mods loaded?

3 months ago


Problem is applying ghost to factorissimo factory at one side and tansport drones depot at second side

3 months ago

I'm still going to need more detailed reproduction steps. https://ibb.co/5KtBm7J Doesn't crash here if I connect transport drones depots to a factorissimo factory ghost using ghost loaders.

Obviously I can see crash reports being sent in and I see the dialogs that you are cut and pasting. What no one is providing is a save file that will reproduce the crash, or detailed steps to reproduce it myself. I really DO want to fix this, but I can't fix a crash if I can't make it crash.

I'm frequently on the factorio discord as well. If someone is able to show this happening, I'd love to see it.

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