Vehicle Equipment Grids

by Kryzeth

Adds equipment grids to vehicles in a sensible manner (no more exoskeleton legs in cars or trains or boats or planes), and adds a replacement vehicle specific speed booster equipment. Compatible with SE Space Trains, Fusion Trains, Flamethrower Wagon, Aircraft, AAI Vehicles, Cargo Ships, GunEquipment, Radar Equipment (and more!)

15 days ago
1.1 - 2.0
Transportation Trains

i [Implemented] AAI Chaingunner?

a month ago

why isn't chaingunner supported? just seems odd to leave it out

a month ago
(updated a month ago)

I think I remember why I left it out, it seemed too low tech to have a vehicle grid. But yeah, should probably add one to it for consistency.

Added to v2.0.5 (comes with a 4x4 grid by default, though customizable using my other mod; split from this one to avoid settings bloat)

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