Vehicle Equipment Grids

by Kryzeth

Adds equipment grids to vehicles in a sensible manner (no more exoskeleton legs in cars or trains or boats or planes), and adds a replacement vehicle specific speed booster equipment. Compatible with SE Space Trains, Fusion Trains, Flamethrower Wagon, Aircraft, AAI Vehicles, Cargo Ships, GunEquipment, Radar Equipment (and more!)

15 days ago
1.1 - 2.0
Transportation Trains

i [Not Implemented] Engine Speed Booster Recipe/Research adjustment for pY

8 months ago

I was playing pY (AE, with all official parts) and thinking this would be incredible for the mini trains I'm using, but:

They're behind chemical science and cost blue chips, which are probably another 400 hours away (600+ for my glacial rate of progress)

would it be possible to do a "cheaper version" that's just red and green science, and maybe green chips/engine units/steel/bunch of gears (or if you wanted to look at the mk 01 components, there's stuff like brakes, shafts, utility boxes; and the composite mechanical intermediates such as gearboxes, control panels, electronics, and then the complete mechanical parts made from all of them)

recipe tweaker can do that last part for me, but a toggle to make it available earlier would be fantastic (just green science is enough of an milestone in pY IMO for making zoomies possible, the material costs are expensive regardless)

there's also other mounts in pY that grids are weird on, so I don't expect actual compatibility in the near future, just honestly wanted to make the mini trains last a little longer in pY, they're surprisingly versatile.

8 months ago

That seems a little bit out of the scope of this mod... but I was able to find something that might be similar to what you're looking for: PyEarlyMiniTrains

8 months ago

I already have that and was wanting to use your engine speed boosters inside of them.

I was hoping for a toggle to put them behind red and green science so I can actually use them during the time in this pY run where they would actually be useful

8 months ago
(updated 8 months ago)

Ahh, I thought you were referring to the mini trains, I see. Hmm...I just loaded it up with the Pyanaodons, and.. that is way too complex to even think about modifying. The speed booster equipment isn't coded in manually; I just copy the recipe and stats and everything about the exoskeleton suit, and then change the stats of the item itself; I leave the recipe and technology entirely unchanged.

I still don't think that option would be very helpful for the vast majority of people, since the recipe won't be modified, and the items used in the recipe are still likely to be locked behind blue science (and its equivalents), so it would just be confusing for most people.

However, I can give you this little starter mod that should do exactly what you need it to (removes the blue science pack requirement from the speed booster technology), and I also left in a little bit of code that you can uncomment and modify, to change the recipe requirements (if you want). Since I don't know the internal names for any of the items, you'll have to figure those out yourself (though shouldn't be too hard to find, if you check within the various .cfg files under the various pymods locale/en folders)

Even if you don't end up modifying it, as long as you don't delete it, it should apply the changes, even if the main mod is updated.

8 months ago

I was using for that tbh, but i appreciate it greatly.

You are a god among modders

8 months ago
(updated 8 months ago)'s still behind personal solar panel tech and electric motors tech, which is also behind blue science.
(wow pY changes even more than I thought. lol)

how to remove those prerequisite techs? I can open it and edit it myself I just don't know the syntax

EDIT: I asked a friend and figured it out. Thank you honestly, you made it so much more convenient to keep these changes just to this pY run. Again, you are incredibly helpful when you don't have to be and I appreciate it so much

8 months ago

No problem, glad I could help get you started, and that you were able to make it all work out in the end! :D

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