Vehicle Equipment Grids

by Kryzeth

Adds equipment grids to vehicles in a sensible manner (no more exoskeleton legs in cars or trains or boats or planes), and adds a replacement vehicle specific speed booster equipment. Compatible with SE Space Trains, Fusion Trains, Flamethrower Wagon, Aircraft, AAI Vehicles, Cargo Ships, GunEquipment, Radar Equipment (and more!)

15 days ago
1.1 - 2.0
Transportation Trains

i [Implemented] Support for some vehicle mods

10 months ago

Can you add support for:
- AAI Vehicles: Ironclad (;
- Ironclad Gunboat (;
- Tesla tank (

10 months ago

I feel like this is gonna be a sensible replacement to Vehicle Grid, and likely become far more then a "simple" mod.

10 months ago

Added support for all 3 mods listed above, as well as AAI Flame Tank and Laser Tank (for my own personal purposes), as of v1.0.5

Honestly, I would be stoked if this mod eventually surpassed and replaced the main Vehicle Grid mod! And luckily, I've made it pretty simple to add in compatibility for other mods. It's basically just 3 more lines of code and an additional if statement, with the most complicated part being "balancing" lol

10 months ago

I love that this just sits right next to K2 and makes mini trains a little more viable, I'm just trying to find a way to power the grids, unless you can make it allow K2 equipment to work in these grids (if K2 itself doesn't already add the grid and equipment to the vehicle)

I've been wanting to do a megabase with the mini trains and K2 advanced machines for no reason other than making a silly video, but getting the fuel and grids working for the mini trains has not been easy (I'm not good with Lua)

Also would love support for the Dodge Challenger, I need a hellcat (:

10 months ago
(updated 10 months ago)

Making it work with Krastorio2 actually took a little while, since I didn't realize they already had their own equipment grids and vehicle-specific equipments. However, I was actually able to use that to my own advantage, with my own mod acting as a sort of compatibility layer...

Now when Krastorio2 is detected, any vehicle mods that were listed as compatible with mine, will have Krastorio2 equipments available to them, in addition to being granted their equipment grids as usual. The size of the grids isn't exactly balanced with Krastorio2 (since their grids are MASSIVE when compared to how I have it set up in vanilla), but I can do a second pass for other mod balancing later.

Also added the compatibility with Dodge Challenger mod, as of v1.0.6!

10 months ago

Holy shit you're incredible.

10 months ago
(updated 10 months ago)

This literally fills a hole that was kinda big, between modded vehicles that K2 doesn't touch and the incredible fun they could be with K2

There was another mod that tried this but it never got the K2 equipment working in mini trains for whatever reason

Also the K2 equipment grids won't take your 2x2 motor by default in my game (other mods could make that happen) so there's no real imbalance.

(edit) on second note, I get a notice that it was removed with my K2 game after loading, but everything has the equipment grids it should. Everything except AI hovercraft, and AI missile hovercraft with programmable vehicles but that's a different bug with programmable vehicles and hovercraft specifically

10 months ago

Yeah the 8x4 is a bit small to fit any of the K2 motors into mini trains, so 8x6 would make sense for k2 for the mini trains since the K2 motors are 4x4

sorry about taking over this thread, but I'm so excited about this

10 months ago

I did check later, and noticed there were already a couple of Krastorio2 compatibility mods, but they either focused only on one mod, or only on bigger mods, leaving quite a few of the smaller mods out in the dust.

And yeah, I actually decided to disable the 2x2 motor when running Krastorio2, since they already had vehicle motors with their own technology and everything, that basically accomplished what I was trying to do with my version. The balancing issue that I mentioned was more about the size of the grids Kras2 adds to the vehicles it does touch, which appear to be limited to mostly vanilla and AAI Vehicles.

The car starts at 6x6, which is fine, and then the tank goes up to 6x11, and then the tank mk2 goes even further up to 12x15, which is just enormous, compared to what I had set up with vanilla (car 6x4, tank 8x6, and higher tier modded tanks capping at 10x6). Maybe I have my equipment grids set too weak to begin with though. I'm still doing a bit of a playtest of this mod alongside some other vanilla plus mods, and have barely gotten to the equipment phase of the game (since dealing with a bunch of biter mods)

10 months ago

The K2 equipment is all 4x4 for vehicles, which makes sense thematically versus personal equipment. K2 goes pretty far in terms of extending vanilla gameplay, so it's techs are all balanced for it's settings and whatnot.

I'd say just having the K2 compat as "adding what K2 doesn't in the style of K2 to the smaller mods left behind" would be the easiest to balance for K2 when K2 is detected, and otherwise yours does what it originally was balanced for, which is vanilla equipments and grid sizes

10 months ago

Alright, finished the second pass for balancing with Krastorio2. I updated all trains to simply copy the grid size of the default trains (since even the K2 nuclear locomotive uses the base locomotive grid), so mini-trains will be just as powerful as full-size trains.

Also updated a few of the other modded vehicles to be more in line with Krastorio2 sizes, especially the aircraft, whose grids were actually changed by K2 to be even smaller than I had them in vanilla. The aircraft should go from 4x4 (Cargo Plane), to 6x4 (Gunship), to 6x6 (Jet), and finally to 6x11 (Flying Fortress)

For most other grounded vehicles, anything below or near the tech level of the car will have car-sized grids (as K2 usually handles this), and anything at or above the tech level of the tank will have the tank-sized grid. Only exceptions are the aircraft mentioned above, and the ironclads (which weren't affected by K2, and will be buffed slightly from my vanilla balancing). Oh, and the Dodge Challenger just does what it pleases and has an 8x8 grid, despite unlocking at the same time as the 6x6 car. It seemed appropriate to keep it that way though lol

And of course, none of these changes will apply if Kras2 is not installed. Implemented v1.0.7 (we should probably also move any further conversation about Kras2 compatibility to a different thread, if necessary, since this conversation has deviated somewhat from the original topic)

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