Alright, finished the second pass for balancing with Krastorio2. I updated all trains to simply copy the grid size of the default trains (since even the K2 nuclear locomotive uses the base locomotive grid), so mini-trains will be just as powerful as full-size trains.
Also updated a few of the other modded vehicles to be more in line with Krastorio2 sizes, especially the aircraft, whose grids were actually changed by K2 to be even smaller than I had them in vanilla. The aircraft should go from 4x4 (Cargo Plane), to 6x4 (Gunship), to 6x6 (Jet), and finally to 6x11 (Flying Fortress)
For most other grounded vehicles, anything below or near the tech level of the car will have car-sized grids (as K2 usually handles this), and anything at or above the tech level of the tank will have the tank-sized grid. Only exceptions are the aircraft mentioned above, and the ironclads (which weren't affected by K2, and will be buffed slightly from my vanilla balancing). Oh, and the Dodge Challenger just does what it pleases and has an 8x8 grid, despite unlocking at the same time as the 6x6 car. It seemed appropriate to keep it that way though lol
And of course, none of these changes will apply if Kras2 is not installed. Implemented v1.0.7 (we should probably also move any further conversation about Kras2 compatibility to a different thread, if necessary, since this conversation has deviated somewhat from the original topic)