添加一种能够在物品状态下存储物品的容器(类似箱中箱),并且能够无视距离放置或打开。 提供以下几种更好的空间传输方案: 剪切:在不占用背包的前提下,剪切所有选中建筑及其内部物品,并在放置后全部归位(选择器+左键框选,右键放置) 拆除:无需机器人与人工,直接框选拆除并转移物品(选择器+右键框选) 升级:自动消耗背包物品来复生镜像以及标记升级的建筑(选择器+SHIFT+左键框选) Add a container that can store items in item state, and can be placed or opened regardless of distance. And there are solutions for advanced cutting /deconstruct/upgrading.
Mods introducing new content into the game.
Counted when a user downloads a mod release for the first time. Before Nov 2021 it counted everytime a user clicked the mods download button.
Counted when a user downloads a mod for the first time. Has no data before Dec 2022