
Turrets are built using salvaged self-learning AI tech from your ship allowing them to get deadlier with practice. Extends turrets via ranking system based on kills. Turrets generated so not limited to vanilla, identifiable by overlaid rank insignia. Rank buffs individual turrets.

7 months ago
1.0 - 1.1

b Possible conflict with AAI Programmable Vehicles

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Not sure if this is anything you have control over, but AAI prevents building near nests (in order to disallow turret creep and encourage actually using the combat vehicles). I have discovered that any time a turret ranks up, your script deletes the turret and rebuilds it. Problem is, if a nest has moved in nearby, the rebuild fails and my turrets just turn into items on the ground in the middle of an attack wave. At least, I think it's only on rank-up and not on tags changing, I don't know your script. If this is something you can reasonably account for, that would be awesome. If it would require rewriting the mod and/or not even being possible, then I recommend a compatibility warning.

EDIT: It is indeed AAI's fault, but under normal conditions this may not be an issue. AAI is supposed to create a 'deadzone' where you can't build turrets but the bugs can't build nests. Rampant seems to bypass that somehow, which results in nests within the deadzone. Thus, when your mod ranks up a turret, it's within the deadzone now and can't be placed. The good news is that if Rampant can get around it, I'm sure you can too, but it may not be worth it for this obscure scenario, and the solution may be to get Rampant to respect the deadzone, so I'll go chase that.

If anyone else is having this issue, in your Map Settings you can adjust the deadzone range for AAI Programmable Vehicles. I recommend reducing it to less than the range of your turrets. By default the deadzone is 50 and gun turret range is 25, so if you set deadzone range to 0 you can effectively disable it. disabling a mod feature is not ideal, but hey it keeps us from getting randomly overrun for no reason.

Related issue: When the turret dropped on the ground after being unable to be placed, the turret stats were essentially lost. It set all the tags to the minimum for the new rank, which means the 'damage dealt' stat now reads over 10,000 on my gun turrets, when it should really be closer to 1,000. Again, ideally shouldn't ever come up, but figure it's worth mentioning. I do have turrets set to retain exact stats when picked up.

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