
Turrets are built using salvaged self-learning AI tech from your ship allowing them to get deadlier with practice. Extends turrets via ranking system based on kills. Turrets generated so not limited to vanilla, identifiable by overlaid rank insignia. Rank buffs individual turrets.

7 months ago
1.0 - 1.1

g Vague Mod Setting Descriptions

2 years ago

Hi, I really like your mod. It's very interesting and I would like to know some more details about exactly what the mod settings change. I am also using "5 Dim's Mod - New Battlefield" turrets. I do not know if the other mod I'm using is interfering with this mod, although I doubt it. I'm also not familiar at all with file-hunting in/with factorio or its mods.

1) Is the maximum buff on turrets always 50% more health, rotation speed, preparing speed, attacking speed, range, and whatever "cooldown" is?

2) How does the buff increment per level with more than 4 levels? (or in other words) How would the buff increment with x amount of ranks? I see that there is a list of buffs on the information page for 4 ranks only. Lets say I use all 12 available ranks as an example. (I name them Rank 1, Rank 2, Rank 3, ..., Rank12)

3) What exactly does the "Rank Modifier" do?

4) What exactly does the "Rank Buff Modifier" do? When this is set to 100 (max), my turrets seem to have infinite attack speed (the attack speed does not show up on the tooltip when I'm hovering over it with my cursor). This causes them to shoot either 1 or multiple enemies, retract, and then immediately 'prepare' again to fire and repeat that process. This behavior seems to disappear when the "Rank Buff Modifier" is set to lower values. I would have to test this more to see if this behavior happens with the modifier is set close to 100.

5) What exactly does the "----- Turret Modifier" settings do?

6) What does the "Fuzzy" option do in the kill counter setting?

Again, this mod is so cool and I would like to know more about it to use it better in my worlds. Great job keeping up with the discussions!

2 years ago

Sorry I'll have to come back for some because I don't even remember some of this stuff.
Fuzzy assume kills based on rank so when you place it it's kills are based on the rank. for exact it will record kills in the item tags. blows out inventory slots though.
Rank Modifier will increase how many kills/damage is required to rank up
Buff increases/alters all sorts of things health, rotation speed, attack speed, prepare range, range, cooldown so that also modifies 1)
as for more ranks > 4 it will just spread everything evenly so linear

2 years ago

Thanks for the information! I have a few additional questions;

When there are more than 4 ranks (lets say 10 ranks), the buffs will increment by +5% to a maximum of +50% (health, rotationspeed, etc)? Is that correct? Also, does the rank requirements also increment linearly ,the same way the buffs do?

Would you know what the Rank Modifier does? Does it add/multiply to the listed chart in the Information tab?

It's ok if you don't know right now, just clarifying a few things.

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