
Turrets are built using salvaged self-learning AI tech from your ship allowing them to get deadlier with practice. Extends turrets via ranking system based on kills. Turrets generated so not limited to vanilla, identifiable by overlaid rank insignia. Rank buffs individual turrets.

8 months ago
1.0 - 1.1

g Cannon shell range

2 years ago

HI! I found an issue with cannon shells, that if i use any kind of cannnon turret mods, the leveled up turret ranges exceeds the canon shells range. Which means a lot of wasted ammo. Can you fix this somehow?

2 years ago

Is that artillery or turret. there is a setting to disable artillery

2 years ago

Artillery is forking awsome for us! The problem is with turetts which are using the vanilla or moded cannon shells, in the vanilla game you can only shoot them from the tanks, but with mods you can use canon turrets as well. The problem comes when the turet starts to rank up it gain more fireing range that the max travel renge of the shell (if i am right the original lifetime of a cannon shell is 34 tiles and this is the basic fireing range of the cannon turrets in all mods i could find) . After a canopn shell travelled the maximum range it automaticly explodes, so if my turet is ranked (so the renge of it is more then 34) theres a lof of cases when they just shoot the ground because the turret can see the target but the shell can't reach them.
Btw... I forgot to say thank you for this great mod! We are having a lot of fun with it!

2 years ago

By any chance you can point me to one of these mods so im looking at the same thing. Cheers

2 years ago

Okay, the mod we are mostly using is Rampant Arsenal

2 years ago

darn though it would be easy but think i know what i have to do. give me a couple of days.

2 years ago

Thanks, take your time!

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