FFF 402 radars

by Quezler

Makes radars transmit and receive signals across the same surface.

7 months ago
Circuit network Blueprints Cheats


Version: 1.0.5
Date: 2024. 05. 02
    - Set destructible to false on the relay too
Version: 1.0.4
Date: 2024. 04. 15
    - Support the "reconnect cut wires mod" by preventing it from freezing
    - Bump version
Version: 1.0.3
Date: 2024. 03. 18
    - Fix unimportant collision rectangle mismatch
Version: 1.0.2
Date: 2024. 03. 18
    - Fixed revived circuit connectors (copy paste) losing connection
Version: 1.0.1
Date: 2024. 03. 17
    - Fix unexpected crash when deconstructing radars
Version: 1.0.0
Date: 2024. 03. 15
    - Fix circuit wire distance assumption
    - Remove the red wire chest upon radar removal
    - Create a spoke entity
    - Just use the left half for the radar as circuit connector
    - Use a single connector entity and only support normal radars
    - Put the relay fixed in data-updates too
    - Do not deathrattle when down/up grading to advanced radar
    - Support picker dollies
    - Connect radars to the relay
    - Nightly
    - Prevent manual/robot/cheat placement
    - Revive circuit connector ghosts so they keep the wires
    - Cleanup the pipette
    - Remove commented out code from 〃
    - Prepare for release
    - Mod portal release
Version: 0.0.1
Date: 2024. 03. 15
    - Stash initial draft