Extended Vanilla: Refining

An overhaul to the Vanilla ore processing while maintaining the style and simplicity of Factorio. Now compatible and balanced around Space Age. (Inspired from Minecraft's Mekanism mod.)

9 days ago
1.0 - 2.0
Mining Manufacturing Power

b Tungsten ore refining missing

3 months ago

Hello 77Playmaker,

I have found a bug related to Space Age; Tungsten chunk/dust is not working as expected, as there is no/missing recipe for consuming it to create tungsten carbide or tungsten steel (the main 2 products made of tungsten ore). This is working fine for Holmium, as the Holmium ore is processed into dust/chunk and then it can be further processed into holmium solution.

Care to take a look at it?


3 months ago

Hi mate.
Well despite I've added all the requirements for a proper refining process recipes are not implemented yet.
I'm still evaluating the proper amounts.

2 months ago

Out with version 3.2.0 if you wanna check it out. :D

2 months ago

It's there now but ... The recipe is about 1/3 the speed of smelting regular ore into tungsten plate. Wrong values? Normally the dust recipes are faster in the final step.
(Can't find carbide either)

2 months ago

Carbide will be out in another patch. I've been told that the crafting speed of recipes is slow yeah.
Will give a watch.

2 months ago

Ah, I see. Suppose carbide will be normal for now, not like don't have the ore right there anyway. Thanks.
As for the speed... Well I made a quick trip to the editor and I with the refining block I made outputting two green belts of dust, the area needed to smelt that fits roughly 8 such refining blocks. it looks a bit silly on the map (this is all assuming quality-less machines and rare prod2 modules in everything, no beacons).
I know a green belt of tungsten plate is a lot but 400 foundries still seems a bit much, even if the intend is to beacon the stuff

a month ago

I suppose, its because its tied to energy consumption which is unified for all dusts but tungsten is created in foundry?

a month ago

Ohh, that's how it makes the recipes?
Yeah makes sense, foundries have a massively higher energy consumption compared to furnaces

a month ago

yeah, thats what is happening i think, i have next to no experience modding this game (just updated one mod, so i could use it) and from what i gather its reading power consumption and counting the crafting time from that. probably would need a special line of code for tungsten dust

9 days ago

Ok, I've finally finished the exam session.
You can be sure this thing is finally getting fixed.

New response