An overhaul to the Vanilla ore processing while maintaining the style and simplicity of Factorio. Now compatible and balanced around Space Age. (Inspired from Minecraft's Mekanism mod.)
I have found a bug related to Space Age; Tungsten chunk/dust is not working as expected, as there is no/missing recipe for consuming it to create tungsten carbide or tungsten steel (the main 2 products made of tungsten ore). This is working fine for Holmium, as the Holmium ore is processed into dust/chunk and then it can be further processed into holmium solution.
Hi mate.
Well despite I've added all the requirements for a proper refining process recipes are not implemented yet.
I'm still evaluating the proper amounts.
It's there now but ... The recipe is about 1/3 the speed of smelting regular ore into tungsten plate. Wrong values? Normally the dust recipes are faster in the final step.
(Can't find carbide either)