Extended Vanilla: Refining

An overhaul to the Vanilla ore processing while maintaining the style and simplicity of Factorio. Now compatible and balanced around Space Age. (Inspired from Minecraft's Mekanism mod.)

9 days ago
1.0 - 2.0
Mining Manufacturing Power

g cool mod! but

3 months ago

hello :) nice mod btw!
is there a way to just add the mod and dont change vanilla ? ( expansion mod more than a overhaul)
thk you

3 months ago

Hi mate - what do you mean by "not change vanilla"?

3 months ago
(updated 3 months ago)

maybe im wrong but..i mean , this mod changed vanilla recipe right? cause this is a overhaul
or am i just dumb and i still can go vanilla way and this is just optional if i added the mod?

3 months ago

Well ore processes are alternative to normal smelting, as coal and stone refining are.
So yes you can still use vanilla recipes without disabling the mod.
It's Extended Vanilla after all - all options are available and I personally like leaving decisions to you.

3 months ago

you can install this mod and never really use anything it provides at all if you want. i did for a while, once i did make a coal line with this mods stuff i was shocked at how the already near infinite legendary coal i had was just multiplied to an insane degree, for a small self contained mod it fills a niche, with this mod you don't have to do asteroid quality recycling and can just get your legendary stuff on the ground which is good it offers a balance means you can do the same things but a different way. my complaint about the mod is the graphics, i try to stay away designs that are too bright/colorful. perhaps you could use a building from angels mods or youki and just ask for permission

3 months ago

yeah i knew why i said that. its because i installed mid game and the mod changed many recipes...so i though it was necessary but i changed all manually and its perfecto!

3 months ago
(updated 3 months ago)

you can install this mod and never really use anything it provides at all if you want. i did for a while, once i did make a coal line with this mods stuff i was shocked at how the already near infinite legendary coal i had was just multiplied to an insane degree, for a small self contained mod it fills a niche, with this mod you don't have to do asteroid quality recycling and can just get your legendary stuff on the ground which is good it offers a balance means you can do the same things but a different way. my complaint about the mod is the graphics, i try to stay away designs that are too bright/colorful. perhaps you could use a building from angels mods or youki and just ask for permission

Interesting points. On the quality matter I still need to understand how powerful this mod can be.
And well, I design my textures, and try to stick to vanilla. Maybe what you're referring to is the high saturation of the colors. (?)

for a small self contained mod it fills a niche

Vanilla is made of real simple, yet powerful structures and recipes. It is somewhat realistic, but not so much you need to have a degree in rocket sciece.
This is also the philosophy, the foundation, of my mods. That's why content is limited, yet really powerful and gamechanging.

3 months ago

yeah i knew why i said that. its because i installed mid game and the mod changed many recipes...so i though it was necessary but i changed all manually and its perfecto!

Enjoy ur time then! :D

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