you can install this mod and never really use anything it provides at all if you want. i did for a while, once i did make a coal line with this mods stuff i was shocked at how the already near infinite legendary coal i had was just multiplied to an insane degree, for a small self contained mod it fills a niche, with this mod you don't have to do asteroid quality recycling and can just get your legendary stuff on the ground which is good it offers a balance means you can do the same things but a different way. my complaint about the mod is the graphics, i try to stay away designs that are too bright/colorful. perhaps you could use a building from angels mods or youki and just ask for permission
Interesting points. On the quality matter I still need to understand how powerful this mod can be.
And well, I design my textures, and try to stick to vanilla. Maybe what you're referring to is the high saturation of the colors. (?)
for a small self contained mod it fills a niche
Vanilla is made of real simple, yet powerful structures and recipes. It is somewhat realistic, but not so much you need to have a degree in rocket sciece.
This is also the philosophy, the foundation, of my mods. That's why content is limited, yet really powerful and gamechanging.