After months of playing and working around space age I can for sure tell you that quality obtains it's power from crafting steps. More steps in a recipe means more probability of increasing the quality of the items. In a run I'm doing for example, Vulcanus is basically a free quality factory:
- You just print out quality plates; (+16% chance of obtaining a quality item)
- You craft quality circuits, gears and cables; (+16-20% chance on a lower sample)
- You then craft advanced circuits and processing units; (+16-20% chance times 2 on an even lower sample + technology productivity)
- You then craft machines and everything else, each time stacking another 16-20% chance of obtaining a quality item.
This if you use, as I'm considering, rare quality 3 modules, but things can even get better if you use mythic or legendary quality variants.
(And I'm not using my mod to obtain all this quality stuff, but still it is enough to forge 5 mythic quality cargo ships and all the rare and rare and mythic modules and machines of my factories on 4 different planets. And I'm talking about hundreds and hundreds of machines, all made in like 150 hours.)
So I can confidently say that the normal game is not balanced at all, even more if you consider there are ways to obtain free legendary steel and copper from LSD or similarly legendary quality iron ore.
Knowing the context we're in, I perfectly know that by inserting multiple refining steps before plates are produced - as my mod does - only exponentially multiplies the chance of obtaining quality items.
Said this, some possible solutions could be:
- Removing quality from ore crushers and chambers.
- Insert a recipe at the end of the crafting chain that converts ore products into molten ore, removing quality usefulness, similarly to Holmium.
But, frankly, mine is a Vanilla+ modpack, and I'm a chill Vanilla+ enjoyer, therefore quality exponential growth in a game that - arrived to a certain point - allows you to generate infinite amounts of legendary items, doesn't sound as a problem to me, considering that you still need to reach a certain lvl of scale in your production and grind a bit to achieve a considerable amount of legendary stuff.
So, in the end, I think this game - and my mods - are balanced in their unbalance.
If one day a modpack will be created and it will really balance quality we'll consider how to balance those crafting steps.