Remastered graphics at 0.5 scale matches Factorio. The scale comparison can be done by scaling a Terran Civilian to the same height as the Factorio character, and I came up with 1 Starcraft tile = 2x2 Factorio tiles. A creep colony would be the size of 2x2 Factorio turrets, which seems very large but this is the proper perspective when everything is scaled around the Terran Civilian = Character.
I wrote a tool for converting SC:R graphics into proper Factorio sheets including teamcolor mask, glow/light overlays(these look amazing in Factorio at night!), and generating new Factorio-oriented shadows because Starcraft's shadows are facing the wrong direction. You can try using it (WIP) here: (requires purchased Starcraft: Remastered installation). However I don't know that Blizzard will be happy with their assets in the Factorio mod database (which is why I'm excluding the assets from my WIP mod and users will have to run the tool to set it up).
This is for a mod that I am working on where I want a perfect 1:1 behavioural recreation of Starcraft in Factorio. It may take several months for me to finish because Factorio doesn't support a lot of things I will have to fake (like cloaking, differing ground/air weapons, animation states, among others), and I will have to write my own unit pathing, order processing, and behaviour code using decompiled Starcraft code.