ERM - Terran Units for Players

by heyqule

Add production chain to create terran units as player controllable units. Recently added cheap mode.

3 months ago
Combat Manufacturing

i Feedback

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

First of all - I really like the idea and general feeling from this mod. Never I felt closer to RTS-like expirience in Factorio!

But, I have some complains and suggestions:
1. Please, meke standalone version from ERM. Becouse ERM not going well with rampant (when rampant variations are turned on, and some areas of the map not spawning any enemies at all. Also, I encountered errors when erm try to rise race's level). Besides, there are plenty other "biter expansion" mods (Natural evolution and Bobs Enemies, for example), where personal army like this will be wery helpful.
2. Adjustable reserch and recipe prices in settings will be nice. I think, present balance can be "default" with hard (x2) and easy (/2) variants.
3. Some All-army/unit-based upgrades - health (!), passive Healing (!!!), move speed (?), shooting speed (?). +~100% each in multiple reserches will be enough imo.
4. Ability to mine back units. Maybe some automatisation like special blueprint for construction bots (like deconstruction plan)
5. Graphics. Marines definetly need some more love. I can help with sprites with AI software and some Photoshop, but I need source files. If there be a chance to find Starcraft Remastered sources... oh, dreams)
6. (bugreport) There are two wraiths with name "Scout" (green one and fast one)

Hope to see more great stuff from you in future!!!

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Hi. Thanks for the feedback

  1. This mod is designed as a part of ERM mods. Not sure if i'm going to make a standalone version. Many things are integrated with the ERM and balanced with other ERM race mods. Regarding to crashing, ya.. ERM doesn't support Rampant's custom enemies. Rampant shouldn't crash if you don't use its custom enemy tho. I tested it with its default settings with no new enemy. ERM does conflict some biter expansion mods due to leveling crash. That's why they are in conflict list. Maybe I'll resolve the crash in a future ERM version by making them bypass the level system, but it's not a priority for me atm. Also if any other mod changes the Biter's autoplace system, it'll for sure interfere with ERM's.

  2. Cost is fine. They don't consume ammo like turrets. If you can keep them alive, they worth their cost fairly quickly. Repair kits is their only upkeep cost.

  3. Nope. Not going to do multiple tiers for each units. Some units have MK1 / MK2 variant. Health is fine, these units have decent damage resistance. You can repair them with repair kit. They don't have passive healing. In fact, all units in ERM have passive healing turned off. Weapon damage and weapon speed are upgraded based on its corresponding ammo categories. e.g Bullet tech upgrades marine damage/speed.

  4. I didn't want them able to mine because you could easily save an almost dead unit by mining them with construction bots. Maybe I'll make it deployable from a barrack like the one in Kombat drones for automation.

  5. What you see there is very close to the source file. The sprites extracted from SC are with black background. I use code to clean to remove black and that's the result without manual Photoshop work. so ya, they look a bit rough.

  6. Will fix in next update.

1 year, 11 months ago
(updated 1 year, 11 months ago)

Hi! About 4. - maybe you can still do something about it? I'm playing with Space Exploration mod, and I want to move some of my forces between planets... Ok, let marins and tanks stay on surface were they were deployed, but Battlecruiser is a spaceships (and at current point they are very expansive for me), it will by nice to let them travel between planets, orbits and another...

1 year, 11 months ago
(updated 1 year, 11 months ago)


1 year, 11 months ago

Hi Hralok.

Good call on space travelling. I'll think about it in a future release.

1 year, 9 months ago

FYI. Space traveling will include in the next release. No ETA yet since it will be a major update.

You can preview "unit teleportation" here and many other Terran features.

1 year, 9 months ago

1.15 has released. It includes command center for space travelling.

1 year, 9 months ago

Great stuff, heyqule.

Is it possible to have player-color based tint on the units? I think all the space marines now have yellow armor regardless of what force they're in

9 months ago

Is there a way to edit the 150 base unit Supply Limit or a way other than the personal robot count to increase the maximum Unit Supply Limit count further?

New response