Equipment Grid Templates

by azaghal

Import and export equipment grid layout as blueprints.

1 year, 4 months ago
Armor Blueprints

b [FIXED] Unable to import templates with modded armors/spidertrons

1 year, 11 months ago

I was able to export my grid to a template, but I'm unable to import it again! No button shows when I hold my template in hand, and my grid window is opened! I also have all necessary equipment in my inventory!
I tested with the character's grid and spidertron's grid!

  • I also have other of your mods: Personal Logistics Templates and Inventory Templates; and they are working fine!


1 year, 11 months ago

'ello Dominiquini,

Hm... That's strange. Just to confirm - you click with a blank blueprint on the export button (with the little engineer silhouette), and then buttons do not swap over to import button?

If so, could you post me the blueprint string here?

Is the equipment grid from where you did the export the same size as the one you want to import the equipment into?

1 year, 11 months ago

Oh, and if you happen to have some modded equipment in the exported template, would be good to know from which mod (bonus points if you can replicate the bug and provide blueprint with just the vanilla equipment).

1 year, 11 months ago
(updated 1 year, 11 months ago)

As soon a click to export, all buttons disappear:

Grid Template:


Grid Template With Borders:


After exporting, I tried removing all my equipments from my grid and put in my inventory. Then tried to import again, but the buttons don't show up!


1 year, 11 months ago
(updated 1 year, 11 months ago)

I have custom equipments, but I tried to put only vanilla equipments in my grid, and the import function still doesn't work!
I'm also using a custom armor with much more slots for equipments!


1 year, 11 months ago

Ok, those two blueprints you posted seem super non-vanilla to me, and trying to import them without the mods you have installed locally won't work for me.

So, let's see if something like this would be possible:

  1. Use a vanilla armor - provided its equipment grid size has not been changed.
  2. Put only vanilla equipment into the armor.
  3. Create blueprint and see if import button is still not showing up (for the same type/equipment grid size of armor).
  4. If the import button is not showing up, please provide me with the updated blueprint strings (vanilla armor with vanilla equipment).
  5. If the import button is showing up, could you provide me with list mods you are using, as well as what version of Factorio you're running?

Just to emphasize - I am unable to reproduce the issue locally, that's why I'm asking for blueprints, mods etc, I'm assuming it's something related to interaction with other mods :)

1 year, 11 months ago

Ok, I have skimmed over your previous post, and missed the part about custom armor - but it would still be useful to get both a non-working all-vanilla blueprints and your mod list/Factorio version :)

1 year, 11 months ago
(updated 1 year, 11 months ago)

I made more tests and found out the the problem is not custom equipments. The problem is custom armors. I was able to make this mod work with custom equipments on vanilla armor, but not with vanilla equipment on custom armor.

Is there any plans to support custom armors?
I'm using armor from this mod:

And custom spidertrons? The spidertron that I tested and it's not working was provided by this mod: [Spidertron Extended - Factorio Mods]


1 year, 11 months ago

Ah, now we're talking. Thanks for going through the testing, I'll install the Power Armor MK3 mod and try to reproduce locally.

Theoretically, the mod should not care about whether the equipment grid belongs to vanilla or non-vanilla armor, the code is generic - unless I've missed something.

There is one known issue currently related to buttons not rendering/not being clickable, but this would impact both export and import buttons, so I don't think it's quite it.

1 year, 11 months ago

I took some screenshots to try explain the problem better:

Let me know if there's anything else I can do to help!


1 year, 11 months ago

Ok, I managed to reproduce the bug locally, and the fix has already been implemented in the new release :)

Turned out that I hard-coded the equipment grid width to 10 in the template validation function.

I haven't tested against the spidertron mod you linked, but it should be the same issue. Could you give the new version a go, and just let me know if this particular issue got fixed for you?

If you run into more issues, feel free to open up a new thread - you're probably the early mod adapter :)

1 year, 11 months ago
(updated 1 year, 11 months ago)

Oh, if the import button does not show-up on the custom spidertron window, try scaling the gui (default controls are Control + Numpad + and Control + Numpad -). Unfortunately, there's a slight bug in the game engine's handling of these anchored GUI elements (basically if the base window is too tall, the anchored elements at bottom won't render or won't be clickable).

I've opened up a bug report on forums, but not sure if/how quickly it will be addressed. In the meantime I might consider resorting to showing the buttons on the left side of window instead. but we'll see.

1 year, 11 months ago

It's working now, even in the custom spidertron. I don't needed to scale the GUI!

Thanks for the fix!
Great mod!

1 year, 11 months ago

I'm glad someone's already finding the mod useful - most of these template mods were about scratching my own itch. :)

Thanks for reporting the bug and letting me know the fix works, I'll go ahead and mark/lock the topic as fixed. If you run into more issues, just open up a new one. :)

This thread has been locked.