Entrenched Enemies

by zanven

Make enemy bases / demolishers tougher to defeat by increasing HP, Regen, Unit spawn speed and Quality base/worm spawn chance. fully configurable mod to allow deathworld playstyle without needing more bases ( good for UPS ), this mod also works great when paired with Enemy unit mods like rampant, armoured enemies & behemoth enemies

4 days ago
Combat Enemies


Version: 1.1.1
Date: 27.11.2024
    - all spawner changes nil check all values they modify to improve mod support
    - resolved startup crashing with colony-builder mod [Error on Start up - Pirate_Rance](https://mods.factorio.com/mod/entrenched-enemies/discussion/674b851f0ebcda397119b661)
Version: 1.1.0
Date: 27.11.2024
    - Demolisher support added!
    - Behemoth enemies mod support added
    - Demolisher movement speed buffed 1.4x ( configurable )
    - Demolisher Max HP buffed 3x ( configurable )
    - Demolisher HP Regen buffed 2x ( configurable )
    - Demolisher Attack Range buffed 1.5x ( configurable )
    - Demolisher Attack variance added 20% - this controls how predictable demolisher attack frequency is, 0 == perfect timing ( configurable )
Version: 1.0.1
Date: 13.11.2024
    - New additional quality chance per chunk from surface origin default is 1% per chunk ( configurable ) this means with default settings every 80 chunks is a guaranteed tier up for all enemies ( only 80 and not 100 due to global default tier up chance of 20% )
Version: 1.0.0
Date: 13.11.2024
    - This initial release aims to make enemy bases harder to destroy thus making expansions are more difficult activity without requiring the entire map being a red mist
    - A primary goal is make killing individual bases feel like an achievement rather than running over hundreds of them with ease ( relative player power vs evolution )
    - A secondary goal is to ocasionally throw a curve ball when you see quality stompers bases or worms which pose hightened risk.
    - Worms / unit spawners when created on chunk create or expansion party can possibly be created as a quality entity. Default chance 20% to level up, when a level up occurs it is rolled again, allowing any quality to possibly appear, default is 20% ( configurable )
    - Worms / unit spawners now have scalable max HP, default is 3x normal ( configurable )
    - Worms / unit spawners now have scalable hp regen, default is 3x ( configurable )
    - Unit spawner's spawn rate for new enemies is now scalable, this is noticable when you approach a base and the enemies agro onto you how long it takes for new enemies to spawn at the base replacing the ones chasing you, default 2x speed ( Configurable )