Electric Trains

The most advanced electric train mod out there! This mod adds balanced, UPS friendly and futuristic themed MAGLEV trains. This mod is meant to feel like an end-game extension to vanilla, and the new item recipes are balanced as such. These trains have a 20% increase in top speed, acceleration and capacity (mod configurable). There are more researches, items, sounds, recipes and logistical challenges and trade-offs to explore. Enjoy!

5 months ago
Transportation Logistics Trains

g New settings, faster trains, balance

3 months ago
(updated 3 months ago)

Hi! I like that you continued this glorious mod) Can you please add some settings to change max train speed/acceleration/battery capacity/breaking force. Like in the mod called BatteryElectricTrain. Just want to see these beautiful bullets travelling at 1000+km/h) Also it would be great to add beacon and speed module compatibility to charging stations, because they charge too slow( I tried exp. charge station). And for balancing all this stuff written above you can add a research cost setting if the mod API allows to do it of course. For example, I would like to have super trains with instant acceleration and breaking force, but
in the late game while designing megabase. Creative infinite battery would also be a helpful addition. Thanks for continuing this nice mod btw)

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