Electric Trains

The most advanced electric train mod out there! This mod adds balanced, UPS friendly and futuristic themed MAGLEV trains. This mod is meant to feel like an end-game extension to vanilla, and the new item recipes are balanced as such. These trains have a 20% increase in top speed, acceleration and capacity (mod configurable). There are more researches, items, sounds, recipes and logistical challenges and trade-offs to explore. Enjoy!

5 months ago
Transportation Logistics Trains

b Recipe charge for alkaline?

5 months ago

Did you forget to add the recipe to charge the alkaline powerpack or am I missing something?

5 months ago

The idea is that alkaline powerpacks are a cheap way of making powerpacks last longer but the trade off is they are single use and lower performing.

I'll have a look at rewording some things so that is more clear.

5 months ago

Its basically intended for those who dont want to set up the charging infrastructure

5 months ago
(updated 5 months ago)

I see... But wouldn't it be too cheap electric-wise? and wouldn't be better to use white glow instead of dark blue to indicate that it is charged?

5 months ago

I see... But wouldn't it be too cheap electric-wise? and wouldn't be better to use white glow instead of dark blue to indicate that it is charged?

The idea is that it negatively impacts performance of the trains so much it is not encouraged to be used. And having to constantly produce fuel comes with its own responsibility to overproduce, rather than make for example 3000 rechargeable packs and just keep them recycling through the network.

And I opted to not have the item glow as to not add confusion that the item could be charged. Although it seems like that wasn't so successful. xD

5 months ago

If anyone else raises suggestions related to these powerpacks I will look into updating the implementation, but I think I stand by my choices on this one :)

5 months ago

for what I see, dark blue are the items that could be charged. and white glow are those which are already charged (usable).

5 months ago

ok :)

5 months ago

Thanks for the feedback though!

New response