Electric Trains

The most advanced electric train mod out there! This mod adds balanced, UPS friendly and futuristic themed MAGLEV trains. This mod is meant to feel like an end-game extension to vanilla, and the new item recipes are balanced as such. These trains have a 20% increase in top speed, acceleration and capacity (mod configurable). There are more researches, items, sounds, recipes and logistical challenges and trade-offs to explore. Enjoy!

5 months ago
Transportation Logistics Trains

g Better battery packs?

5 months ago

Even with 100MV setting electric trains consume them really fast leading to a lot of situations where they run out of batteries on while crossing from one side of the city block to another.

Maybe add something like 1GW power cells that can be researched with experemental chargin tech?

5 months ago

I have trains using speed powerpacks pathing over 2000 tiles and back without running out. This is even with the reduced capacity speed powerpacks with fuel value of 32MJ. Just don't forget they can stack to 20 in three slots in the locomotives!

They do get used up quickly, so theres some merit in mass producing them before deploying trains to a medium sized network and making sure depots are filled.

If I am misunderstanding you, please do correct me

5 months ago

Well Im running a mod that makes trains combine? I dont remember the name of the mod but it makes both locomotives help when train goes one dirrection. (1-3-1 train) and fuel packs are consumed really fast. Yeah sure they stack to 20 but I get notifications of runnig out of power almost always. They tend to get to station at that point but still.

Also I am big fan of tiered items :)

5 months ago

Hm... Would you be able to provide a photo of something like how long is the train travelling for, and then how many powerpacks it took to make that?

Its probably worth noting that having a 1-3-1 train will burn through a lot, and the only perk is better acceleration, since you are doubling the effective consumption when at max speed. Also, I'm unaware of the workings of that mod, so there maybe something conflicting. But yeah, answer the above to tell if it is intended behaviour :)

5 months ago


Here link to my latest save file. You can test it out.

Looking at your mod list, you have the original se-space-trains installed, this will probably mess with a few things because its what this mod is forked from. I will check out the save anyway

5 months ago

Unfortunately, I cannot load the world since I am getting some error messages after downloading all the mods. I tried debugging this a little but its nothing to do with my game files and/or mod

5 months ago

Weird. Probably something updated and everything got borked. You probably need to update mods.

5 months ago

I think I'm gonna leave this with just the advice to go with efficiency powerpacks. I am not sure what is happening and it seems likely to do with the amount of possibly conflicting mods in your save. Otherwise, open up the mod in a code editor, search for "32MJ" (Or whatever your pack values are) and change them if you must. :)

5 months ago

I mean I can launch it.

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