
by Kubius

Ore patches now spill over into the sea as submerged variants. Dredge them up with new floating hardware, and build deeper into the blue with water-placeable refined concrete.

2 days ago
1.1 - 2.0
Logistics Environment Mining

g Uranium

3 months ago
(updated 3 months ago)

Edit: Figured out a non-elegant way to do it, but would like to see some kind of underwater pipes added to the mod or ways to use higher tier belts, but the main issue I had is that uranium mining needs sulphuric acid, grabbed an underwater pipe mod to nicely get pipes out there without using landfill

3 months ago

Dredgeworks is very much intended to be complemented by other mods. There's an Underwater Pipes fork updated to 2.0, as one example, though I've usually played without it and simply set up a concrete platform at the patch edge for acid supply and set up the drills with adjacency.

With regards to higher tier belts, I've considered it but don't currently have an intent to add any (the thought being that you can only fit so much throughput hardware in a belt that stays floating); Cargo Ships is a highly recommended pairing. If you're playing with Space Age, you can also benefit from the transport belt stacking research, as all direct output machines (including drills) benefit from it.

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