So if you're for example on islands world mod - which is also suggested by Dredgepack - a seed without oil on the starter island is in big trouble? Seems not great.
Even with some conveniently nearby offshore oil, you first need to research oil rigs. This takes blue science, therefore red chips, so plastic, and petrochem, which means you can't get off the ground with just underwater crude wells. It requires finding land-based oil on some other island, hopefully not too far away because you've got to secure / defend it with pre-blue-tech combat options. Not a great feel.
Adjacent things that seem slightly off:
1/ Oil rigs craft from materials accessible way before blue science, feels like after blue science maybe the recipe should involve red chips or electric engines (or big electric engines in the AAI version) or something
2/ I can just start flotation panels at red/green science with trees before I have plastic ... to mine the underwater versions of ores almost certainly on the starting island ... but still no way to get underwater oil, feels bad