Memory Storage SE Addition

Rework of the Memory Units mod to make it better fit into the SE gameplay and tech tree.

4 months ago
Circuit network Storage
4 months ago
Latest Version:
1.0.2 (4 months ago)
Factorio version:
Downloaded by:
462 users

Introducing: The (new) Memory Unit

The Memory Unit stores an infinite amount of any item, provided you supply it with enough energy. The consumption scales with the amount of items inside the unit. This mod takes the concept into space, adding mechanics and balancing changes to make it feel more at home in a Space Exploration save!


The Memory Unit is split into two Subsystems, the Conversion Matrix and the Storage Matrix. They each have multiple tiers, and can be leveled using modules in beacons affecting the Memory Unit.

Conversion Matrix

The Memory Unit has a limited insertion / extraction speed. Speed modules can be used to level up the Conversion Matrix, which will increase the amount of items you can insert every second.

Storage Matrix

The Memory Units power consumption can be adjusted by leveling its Storage Matrix with efficiency modules. Higher levels have a higher base usage, but the additional cost for each item is lower. Investing some thought into picking the right level for the job is recommended.

Circuit Integration

The Memory Unit can be connected to the circuit network. Attaching wires to the Memory Unit Combinator (see picture) will allow you to read the type and amount of whatever is currently stored inside the unit, as well as its current power draw.

Circuit signals in Factorio can only go up to 2147483647. If a value happens to exceed this number, it will still only display as 2.1G.

Packed Units

Units can be moved by hand. When the unit is deconstructed the items are "packed" inside and are recovered when it is placed back down.

⚠️ If a memory unit is destroyed (biters, nukes, etc...) the items inside will be destroyed as well!


Power consumption of the unit scales with its contents, and with the level of the storage matrix. In case not enough power is supplied to the unit, the Conversion matrix will shut down and the Storage matrix will enter emergency mode. In case the power outages last for long amounts of time, the Storage Matrix will cannibalize the contents to keep the containment field stable. This means that the unit will lose its contents over time!

Science & Technology

SE inserts the original technology towards the end of the tech tree, at a point where many problems that could have the memory unit as a solution are already solved. This makes it feel like an afterthought, since it's not really useful unless you're looking to rebuild your entire base after reaching Deep Space Science 1. This mod moves the technology to an earlier point in the material/energy tree, which means you get to play with it sooner. The recipe was also modified to reflect this change.

TLDR / How is this different from the original Memory Unit?

  • Power consumption rebalancing
  • New position in the tech tree & new recipe
  • Module System
  • Spaceship compatibility

Known Issues

  • Due to the length of a typical (K2)SE playthrough the balancing is not final, I am open to feedback.
    If you encounter any problems or have feedback, open a discussion or an issue on github (preferred)
