Right, that much makes sense. I guess my problem is I'm playing a fairly aggressive Rail World, so I don't really have "a main bus" so to speak. Everything travels by train and each individual industrial compound is more or less on top of its own train station. I do have something like a "main bus" running through each compound, but it's fairly short, and it gets tapped in MANY places. Due to speed of production, I can't actually support a lot of assemblers on the same line most of the time. Unless the crafting time is 10+ seconds, I usually can't put more than 12-18 per line. My Copper Smelter, for instance, uses 12-Furnace lines in a double-sided horseshoe (so 24 Furnaces per horeseshoe), with a total of 12 such horseshoes (6 on each side of the main belt). That's being fed by six belts. If I'm working with one or two "compressed" belts, I would still need to uncompress the line in 6-12 locations.
I've been looking at this mod for a while now, trying to wrap my head around how to use it. Laterly, a friend pointed me to the "Fluid Must Flow" mod which does something similar - it compresses four pipes' worth of fluid into a single large duct to cut down on the pipe spaghetti. However, that mod has custom pumps with a large number of outlets, meaning that tapping off a single pipe in multiple locations isn't THAT bad. But then again - that's fluids, and fluids do their own splitting anyway. I was trying to do something similar with Deadlock's Stacking Boxes, but I can't really figure out a good way to do it without adding significant complexity and bulk to my factory.
Hmm... Suppose I can split the stacked belt, feed it into one or two belts (I assume the boxes accept Loaders in all directions) and just let both lines back up. The mod description says that a single box can handle a 5-1/1-5 conversion, so if I'm pulling just 2 belts then everything should back up and self-regulate. I don't need to unpack all five lanes. Hmm... THIS might help condense some of my belt monstrocities. Potentially, if I can make this work, I can even stack things at produer facilities. I'm aware that this doesn't save inventory space, but it does save space on the receiving end having to pack it there.