
by Mylon

The flOre is lava. Dig yOre way out through this divOrese and dangOreus field! Will you Coke on the limited space and submit to the cOreruption Ore will you transfOrem it into an majestic Orechestra? Also known as "Dangerous" or "Danger Ores".

a month ago
0.15 - 2.0
Environment Mining

i Space exploration mod support

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

I wanted to try to run the space exploration assembly, but when I launch the map, it gives an error. Is it possible to make support for space exploration with this mod?

1 year, 11 months ago

The issue is that I'm pretty sure Space Exploration handles its own oregen separately and how it does its planet size may conflict with DangOreous.

1 year, 11 months ago

While it would be fun, this mod is not really compatible with Space Exploration. I thought it was explicitly disallowed by Space Exploration, even. But I guess not.

Space Exploration has some specific requirements preventing 'cheaty' mods, and this mod also doesn't have an easy way to tell what ores should be generated on each surface by SE's rules.

1 year, 11 months ago

While it would be fun, this mod is not really compatible with Space Exploration. I thought it was explicitly disallowed by Space Exploration, even. But I guess not.

Space Exploration has some specific requirements preventing 'cheaty' mods, and this mod also doesn't have an easy way to tell what ores should be generated on each surface by SE's rules.

It has it marked as an incompatibility.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure that last bit is why DangOreus is on the incompatibilities list, along with other oregen mods. (alongside what Space Exploration does with surfaces for planets and so on...)

Since other oregen mods can't properly respect the Space Exploration planet oregen requirements, they've marked them all incompatible until they're done sorting out all the content changes and optimizations that they have planned, at which point they might loop back and work on compatibility? Dunno. I'm not Earendel, but that's what their mod support policy seems to be.

1 year, 11 months ago

Most mods interact with the vanilla ore generation in some way. It is very powerful and gives a lot of useful tools. dangOreus for example, looks at ore richness to modify ore amount and also only spawns ores that are enabled for the surface.

Space Exploration does not use this method so I can't read what ores should be enabled on a given surface. And that also interferes with compatibility with other mods. The noise expressions are rather arcane and difficult to understand so changing Space Exploration to use them for it's map and ore generation instead of the existing methods would be quite an undertaking, all to make it compatible with a handful of mods.

1 year, 11 months ago

Space Exploration does not use this method so I can't read what ores should be enabled on a given surface. And that also interferes with compatibility with other mods. The noise expressions are rather arcane and difficult to understand so changing Space Exploration to use them for it's map and ore generation instead of the existing methods would be quite an undertaking, all to make it compatible with a handful of mods.

Exactly what I was saying. Earendel seems to be going for a "get the content I want in now, then fix its integration with other mods later" approach, which is reasonable. Sucks that DangOreus can't reasonably work with it, but maybe Earendel will make things easier for you later.

1 year, 11 months ago

The code is relatively simple and can be slotted into any other mod, and is even MIT licensed. It'd take some custom work, but it is possible to make it specific to only Nauvis, or limit it to a specific planet. That's just not on my todo list, however.

11 months ago

So if i understand it right, there could be a support for SE but it would be extremly complicated to do and probably break most of the time? aka we wont see a Dangerores x SE modpack?

11 months ago
(updated 11 months ago)

Kind of. There are a few issues.

The first is that there's no practical way to know what ores belong on a surface when placing, (this is possibly rectified by ClaustOrephobic's approach) and Space Exploration marks any mod that breaks its resource placement as an incompatibility.

The second issue is that there's no practical way of knowing where Space Exploration is trying to make a player land, making biter planets even more harsh and unplayable than they normally can be. If Space Exploration drops the rocket on ores, the player will have to manually move all their stuff to the buildable zone themselves. This is also why I'm kinda stumped as to what I will do for Space Age; it's entirely possible that ClaustOrephobic becomes indefinitely incompatible with Space Age come 2.0's release.

The third is that Space Exploration is in active development and Earendel will mark any mod that breaks SE as incompatible, rather than fixing the incompatibilities, until after the mod is in a finished and stable state. So we'd be doing one-sided compatibility work, which is a royal pain and would be a recurring hassle. (And we're not getting paid a dime for this.)

It's possible that 2.0 forces our hands on this and the resulting changes result in SE compatibility, but I certainly wouldn't expect it before then, and likely wouldn't expect it for months afterward either.

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