Project Cybersyn - Logistics Train Dispatcher

Creates a feature-rich train logistics network through cybernetic combinators. With just this mod you can coordinate the economic inputs and outputs of your entire megabase.

25 days ago
1.1 - 2.0
Logistics Trains Circuit network

i Persistent way to know when train returns to depot with cargo

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

I like how the mod automatically disables a train if it returns to a depot with cargo. However, it seems like if this happens you have a 10 second window while the alert persists to notice and find the station involved or you'll have to check every depot to see which one was disabled. You also can miss that a train was disabled if you are distracted or not at your computer for that period.

In LTN, I set it up so that when a train returns to a depot with cargo, it disables the station and sets a persistent silent alert. The train remains in automatic mode, so I can continue to read the contents of the train, but I don't see an easy way to get the contents of a manual train. I tried making the station set to "read train contents" and then connect that to a memory cell, but it looks like the train gets set to manual too quickly to produce any cargo signal at all.

Some possible changes off the top of my head that would fix the issue for me as a user:

  • Disabling the station instead of making the train manual. This would let me implement my own alert as I can in LTN.

  • Leave the train in automatic mode for at least a tick so that I can implement a memory cell to make an alert.

  • Make the alert persistent instead of going away after 10 seconds.

  • Add a log entry with the location of the disabled station. You'd still have to worry about not noticing it in the log.

  • Some kind of UI to see all existing failures in the system. (This would obviously be a lot of work.)

Anyways, thanks for working on this mod! It is fun to try something a little different.

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

I'll add 2 and 3 to my todo list. Thanks

2 years ago

Inventory sensor by Optera could be a solution to read content of train in manual mode.

2 years ago

Thanks, that sounds good.

I did think about inventory sensor, but I'd rather not have to put them all over the place if I can help it.

2 years ago

2 and 3 are now in version 1.2.0.

New response