Crafting Combinator Xeraph's Fork

by Xeraph

Includes combinators that allow you to set or read the recipe of any crafting machine, get ingredients or products of a recipe and more!

2 years ago
Circuit network Manufacturing

b [fixed in 0.4.3][0.4.2] Modules are disappearing

2 years ago

Szenario: I set up a classic crafting combinator - assembling machine setup and put productivity modules and speed modules in the crafting combinator "module chest". When i wire a intermediate product (e.g. copper cable) to the crafting combinator it automatically puts the productivity modules in. But when i change the the signal to a item that cannot be made with productivity modules, the productivity modules disappear completely and the speed modules are in assembly machine.

Shouldnt the productivity modules are taken out of the assembly and placed into the module chest? and is there a way to always take the productivity modules when possible and when not to take the speed Modules?

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

thanks for the report, I will address your requests separately:

1) bug - the cause of the bug has been identified as a logical error on my part, I will fix this in the next patch.

2) feature suggestion "prioritise productivity" - I don't want to hardcode productivity modules for them to be prioritised by this mod because of the possibility of modded tiers (e.g. SE) and different naming schemes.

Currently the mod attempt to insert everything they can from the first slot till the last slot. I am considering making the inventory slots in module chest filterable for it to work as a custom "priority list" for users. However it will take a bit more time for me to implement (and possibly causing new bugs) as I need to make it work with blueprints.

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Fixed in 0.4.3

New feature: Position of modules in module chest dictates the order of priority. Starting from the first slot (upper left) being the highest priority, to the last slot (lower right) being the lowest priority.

I have decided to not implement filterable inventory for now, I would like to see if the current implementation is sufficient.

2 years ago

Thank you very much, appreciated!

New response