Crafting Combinator Xeraph's Fork

by Xeraph

Includes combinators that allow you to set or read the recipe of any crafting machine, get ingredients or products of a recipe and more!

2 years ago
Circuit network Manufacturing

b [fixed in 0.3.5][0.3.4] Crash when migrating save

2 years ago

Hey Xeraph,

I'm trying to transition from the original mod to your mod, and I get the following crash error when attempting either migration method:

Error while running event
crafting_combinator_xeraph/script/signals.lua:121: table index is nil
stack traceback:
crafting_combinator_xeraph/script/signals.lua:121: in function 'migrate_lamp'
crafting_combinator_xeraph/script/housekeeping.lua:179: in function 'cleanup'
crafting_combinator_xeraph/script/migration-helper.lua:78: in function 'migrate'
crafting_combinator_xeraph/contral.lua:85: in function <crafting_combinator_xeraph/control.lua:70>

This crash error specifically pops up as I'm attempting to load the saved game in step 2 of the migration (when this mod is first enabled alongside the bridge mod) or when I directly try to load my saved game with just this mod (no original or bridge mod). Please let me know if you need any save files or other information. Thank you!

2 years ago

hi there, I would like to take a look at your original save (upload it to any cloud service). I might have missed some conditions in the code for migrating orphaned signal cache lamps. Fixing it will help other people who wished to migrate their save too.

2 years ago

Here's a link to the save file on Google Drive:
It's a pretty heavily modded game, but most mods should be QoL. Additionally, as a word of warning, this game loads in SE's satellite navigation view, which I have found inventory dumps/character duplicates and freezes the character right after the game loads after having updated or added mods that aren't part of the original save file (I'm currently problem solving this glitch on Earende'ls Discord). I can't always replicate this, so if that previous save file glitches and isn't workable, here's my most recent save file: It has a few mods updated and one new mod, but both files only have the original Crafting Combinator mod enabled (meaning they have neither this nor the bridge mod enabled). Let me know if you need anything else. Thanks for your great work and am looking forward to hopefully being able to use your fork of the mod as those are options I have very much been looking for!

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

I have looked into the save files and was only able to replicate the exact crash message while using the second method (direct fork loading).

The crash is due to an uninitialized signal cache lamp in the game which caused the migration to fail if my code has to guess its type without global data (happens when you load the fork directly over the save).

I have pushed a patch to handle this particular scenario but I still have doubts on why the first method (remote-data migration) failed to work on your save. I have tried the first method myself and it worked fine for both saves.

  1. Did you use the Modified Crafting Combinator mod v100.0.2 stated in Prerequisites section? Check your mod list to see whether Crafting Combinator mod is showing the correct version number.

  2. Was the autosave Step 1 file automatically generated? Note that Step 2 has to be performed on this automatically generated save file, and not on your original save file.

2 years ago

Thank you for looking at this! I apologize; I definitely missed the part about downloading the modified version of the original crafting combinator mod. That must be why the autosave never generated for me in step 1. Loading the updated version of your fork over the save file worked this time, though, and it was relatively painless for me to manually adjust the crafting combinators I had already laid down. Thanks again!

2 years ago

no worries, I deserve a fair share of the blame as well. I will work on improving the migration instruction and implementing checks which will notify user when migration did not take place properly.

New response