Crafting Combinator Xeraph's Fork

by Xeraph

Includes combinators that allow you to set or read the recipe of any crafting machine, get ingredients or products of a recipe and more!

2 years ago
Circuit network Manufacturing

i [potential enhancement] not working with Yuoki industries recipes

2 years ago

I cant set recipes of the yuoki industries mod on the crafting combinator

2 years ago

have you tried using the signals found in the Crafting combinator recipes group? It is working for me.

2 years ago

Aah okay I see that would work. The problem is that I created a system that reeds the logistics network and craft whats missing so this solution doesnt work for me.

2 years ago

Ah, too bad there isn't much I can do about it, the problem is when the internal recipe name is different from the product - which is understandable because not all products have a simple one product-one recipe relationship. E.g. in vanilla oil products such as petroleum gas, there is no systematic way for crafting combinator to decide which petroleum recipe to use.

From the other mods perspective, they will have to check if they are able to name their recipes similarly to the product name for it to fit Crafting combinator's operation scheme.

From Crafting combinator's perspective, I can offer remote interface to allow other mods to define such one-to-one recipe to product relationships if they want to enhance compatibility with crafting combinator while maintaining the naming scheme of their recipes/products - however I will prefer a direct discussion with the mod's maintainer/potential interface user while working on such interface.

2 years ago

Aah okay I see that would work. The problem is that I created a system that reeds the logistics network and craft whats missing so this solution doesnt work for me.

You will have to translate the missing item into their corresponding recipes using combinators.

Or you can try to use recipe combinator to find the recipe - however you will still have to handle the situation for multiple recipes.

2 years ago

Hello again Xeraph, Thanks for your replies. Thanks to modders like you with such dedication we get this amazing mods and support for them.
This is also what makes factorio community amazing. These words a side I thkink the most easy way for me is to translate the signal with a combinator. Thanks for the explination now I understand better how the mod works. Greatings from Spain and Thanks again. :)

2 years ago

Hi, thanks for your kind words too. Likewise, same can be said to users like you, it gives motivation for authors to improve their mod :)

I have an idea on how to implement this interface, however maintaining such list will be other modder or users' job. I will try to make it user friendly for others to implement this list, by providing a mod template and instruction (yes, users will be able to publish their redirect lists on mod portal too). The functionality will be called "recipe redirect" for now.

I will update you in this thread once it is ready, if you are still interested of course.

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