Crafting Combinator Xeraph's Fork

by Xeraph

Includes combinators that allow you to set or read the recipe of any crafting machine, get ingredients or products of a recipe and more!

2 years ago
Circuit network Manufacturing

i [implemented in 0.3.5] Edit the order string to ensure its the last category

2 years ago

Basically prefix the order string with something like zzz-. It pops up in quite a few dialogs and searching makes it easy to pick one of the recipe signal instead of what you actually wanted. Having it as the last category would mean it would only jump into there if it could find nothing in the other categories.

Picture of what currently happens and how it can cause problems: Factory Search is only one example. We also have it happen regularly with constant combinators that should send an item signal.

2 years ago

The signals are already grouped under Crafting Combinator's own grouping which should indicate that those signals under the tab are Recipe signals?

I can't think of how adding a prefix help in this case because the whole group will get the prefix and the ordering will remain the same within the tab.

2 years ago

I meant the order string of the category itself. Currently its just fb which slots it before any of the Py categories.

2 years ago

sorry for not noticing it was about the group itself.

now it makes sense to me. Implemented in 4b14a23

2 years ago

Ah, no problem. Its a minute detail that probably only really matters with what Py throws at you. Having the mod working smooth at hardly any performance cost is a huge time and space saver for Py.

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