Crafting Combinator

Includes combinators that allow you to set or read the recipe of any crafting machine, get ingredients or products of a recipe and more!

3 years ago
0.14 - 1.1

g Error with Transport Drones via Rusty's Locale Utilities

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

It looks like a compatibility issue between crafting combinator and transport drones.

Crafting Combinator - Version: 0.16.1
Rusty's Locale Utilities - Version: 1.0.16
Transport Drones - Version: 1.0.1

44.036 Error ModManager.cpp:1555: Не удалось загрузить мод "Transport_Drones": rusty-locale/prototypes.lua:48: No prototype called ee-linked-belt-express found for type entity, these prototypes with the name exist: {}
Please report this to
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'error'
rusty-locale/prototypes.lua:48: in function 'find'
rusty-locale/locale.lua:42: in function 'f'
rusty-locale/util.lua:10: in function 'index'
__rusty-locale/locale.lua:50: in function 'f'
rusty-locale/util.lua:10: in function 'index'
__rusty-locale/locale.lua:66: in function 'f'
rusty-locale/util.lua:10: in function 'index'
__crafting_combinator/data-final-fixes.lua:151: in function 'make_signal_for_recipe'
crafting_combinator/data-final-fixes.lua:165: in function 'process_recipe'
crafting_combinator/data-final-fixes.lua:201: in function 'hook'
crafting_combinator/data-final-fixes.lua:12: in function 'newindex'
__core/lualib/dataloader.lua:30: in function 'extend'
Transport_Drones/data/make_request_recipes.lua:73: in function 'make_recipe'
Transport_Drones/data/make_request_recipes.lua:80: in main chunk
[C]: in function 'require'
Transport_Drones/data-final-fixes.lua:34: in main chunk
44.039 Loading mod core 0.0.0 (data.lua)
44.335 Checksum for core: 2816500475
44.416 Error ModManager.cpp:1555: Error in assignID: recipe-category with name 'crafting' does not exist.

oh, I've got a lot of mods enabled!

how could I use spoilers here? :(

4 years ago

Well, I don't necessarily need the entire modlist - I specifically need to know which mod adds the ee-linked-belt-express entity. Though if you don't know, you can use something like pastebin for long pieces of text - I don't think there is a way to make spoilers here...

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)
4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

So I found the problem, though it's not a fault of the library, neither a compatibility issue between cc and transport drones... The error is the correct result of a weird (though technically valid) situation created by editor extensions - it creates an item in data with place_result set to an entity that won't be created until data-final-fixes... My and transport drones' data-final-fixes happen to run during this period and we both need to work with this item, but it's invalid, so it ends up throwing an error...

What happens is a bit convoluted, but it goes somewhat like this:
- editor extensions creates the item in data
- transport drones' data-final-fixes creates a recipe for the invalid item, so it can be transported
- cc in turn needs to generate a signal for the recipe, for which it asks rusty locale what the locale is
- rusty locale tries to find the locale, which happens to fall back to the item, which then falls back to the place_result entity
- the entity doesn't exist, so rusty-locale rightfully throws an error, since the state of the prototypes is not valid enough to determine the locale correctly
- (if there were no errors, editor extensions' data-final-fixes would run here, creating the missing entity)

I'll try to ask Raiguard if they could do something about it at their end, as I don't think any amount of hacking is going to solve this :D

4 years ago

Cool! Thank you!

4 years ago

Raiguard just made a fix for this here - presumably it'll be in the next version of editor extensions ;)

4 years ago

It works! Fine! Thank you!

New response