Rusty's Locale Utilities

A set of helper functions for resolving proper localised names and descriptions of prototypes, including recipes and items. There are also utilities for resolving prototype icons, because why not?

4 months ago
0.18 - 2.0

g Error with Transport Drones

4 years ago

Got an error with Transport Drones, Klonan says it's not his problem and to report it to you. Please fix!

4 years ago

Should be fixed in 1.0.15, though I didn't really test it, so let me know if it still doesn't work.

4 years ago

Rusty's Locale Utilities - Version: 1.0.16
Transport Drones - Version: 1.0.1

44.036 Error ModManager.cpp:1555: Не удалось загрузить мод "Transport_Drones": rusty-locale/prototypes.lua:48: No prototype called ee-linked-belt-express found for type entity, these prototypes with the name exist: {}
Please report this to
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'error'
rusty-locale/prototypes.lua:48: in function 'find'
rusty-locale/locale.lua:42: in function 'f'
rusty-locale/util.lua:10: in function 'index'
/locale.lua:50: in function 'f'
rusty-locale/util.lua:10: in function 'index'
/locale.lua:66: in function 'f'
rusty-locale/util.lua:10: in function 'index'
/data-final-fixes.lua:151: in function 'make_signal_for_recipe'
crafting_combinator/data-final-fixes.lua:165: in function 'process_recipe'
crafting_combinator/data-final-fixes.lua:201: in function 'hook'
crafting_combinator/data-final-fixes.lua:12: in function 'newindex'
/lualib/dataloader.lua:30: in function 'extend'
Transport_Drones/data/make_request_recipes.lua:73: in function 'make_recipe'
Transport_Drones/data/make_request_recipes.lua:80: in main chunk
[C]: in function 'require'
Transport_Drones/data-final-fixes.lua:34: in main chunk
44.039 Loading mod core 0.0.0 (data.lua)
44.335 Checksum for core: 2816500475
44.416 Error ModManager.cpp:1555: Error in assignID: recipe-category with name 'crafting' does not exist.

4 years ago

Interesting, though this looks like a compatibility issue between crafting combinator and transport drones. Could you make a post about this at crafting combinator so I don't forget? Ideally include your modlist as well.

New response