Compact circuits

Miniaturize a whole logic network into a single entity to save place (similar to factorissimo but for signals).

16 hours ago
Circuit network

g Equal to compact-combinator of Integrated Circuitry?

1 year, 8 months ago
(updated 1 year, 8 months ago)

Sounds like the compact-combinator of Integrated Circuitry.
Is there a feature/performance comparison?
You don't mention blue prints. can it be blueprinted?

BTW I would like to have version in 1x1 / 1x2 / 2x2 with correspondingly fewer inputs/outputs.

1 year, 8 months ago

Yes it is like the compact-combinator of integrated circuitry.
I did not known this mod.
Yes the is fully blueprintable but updating an existing mod will not work.

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