Mod in conflict:
Error log:
421.998 Script @bp100/lib/protected-action.lua:13: Protected action: unexpected error occurred:
Unknown entity name: bp100:preview-entity-tl-dummy-entity
stack traceback:
bp100/entity/save-load.lua:421: in function 'createPreviewEntity'
bp100/project/world-updates.lua:63: in function 'makePreviewEntity'
bp100/project/world-updates.lua:195: in function 'refreshWorldEntityAtStage'
bp100/project/world-updates.lua:398: in function 'rebuildStage'
bp100/project/world-updates.lua:41: in function '_selfdoStep_3'
bp100__/lib/task.lua:80: in function 'step'
bp100/lib/task.lua:24: in function <bp100/lib/task.lua:23>
[C]: in function 'xpcall'
bp100/lib/protected-action.lua:17: in function 'protectedAction'
bp100/lib/task.lua:182: in function <bp100/lib/task.lua:177>
Symptoms: Many red triangles with exclamation marks where tapeline was drawn. They populate all later stages like regular entities but can't be removed by trash cleaner tool (which doesn't highlight them at all) or rebuilding stages (which prints an error to chat), and can prevent other entities overlapping with tapeline entities from being successfully blueprinted. Worked around by remaking project manually from blueprint book backup since tapeline entities don't exist in normal blueprints and switching to this mod (which doesn't seem to create any entities):