I'm thinking it should be possible to have a selection tool (similar to say an upgrade planner), that open the same dialog as when you install a blueprint. Letting you set blueprint variable later on.
The specific usecase im thinking, I have a blueprint for a semi automatic factory that handle producing 40 stacks of any item select. Each blueprint can produce up to 6 different items. Which i use blueprint variable 1-6 for.
Say i install the blueprint, select "fast transport belt" for variable1, and leave variable2-6 unchanged.
Currently if i then want to add "fast underground belt" to it, i have to manually edit each variable2, or destroy the whole thing and replace the blueprint to then select the fastbelt on 1, and the underground on 2.
Id like to just grab the blueprint variable selection tool, select my factory, and then change variable2 to underground belt. leaving 3-6 as is, until later on id change 3 to a new item etc.
To be clear tho, im not talking about being able to change the same variable over and over, that would imply tracking which one was what before the change. All i suggest, is the option to change previously untouched variable.